That's Hubris, My Friend

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    Oswald paces back-and-forth around his cell, a black eye from the punch he received from the officer. Gabe sits on the bench, yawning and keeping his head down. When Oswald turns back around to face the precinct, he spots-

"Detective Bullock!" he cries, limping up to the edge of the cell.

Detective Harvey Bullock, attending to a civilian, taps him with his hat, "Wait here."

He saunters over to the cells, a satisfactory grin on his face, "Haha...Penguin! It's good to see you. Wadda you guys doing?"

"O-old friend," Oswald stutters, "thank goodness you're here. There's been some silly mistake."

Bullock leans into the cell, his voice alight with sarcasm, "Looks like it. Unless you irritated someone important, you didn't do that, did you?"

"Me?" Oswald gives him an innocent smile, "...of course not."

Not buying it, Bullock retorts, "You sure? ...examine your soul, Penguin."

He turns around and starts to walk away when Oswald reaches out from the bars, "Wait! ...don't go. Please, sir, I-...I beg of you. My patron Don Maroni is obviously unaware of my predicament. ...a simple phone call would resolve things I'm sure."

As Oswald keeps a confident smile, Bullock, holding his hat in his hands, strolls back up to the cell, "But see, I like having you here. Cause I can sit at my desk...and look at you. It's soothing, like a bonsai tree."

And without another word, Detective Bullock turns around and walks away. Gabe, now standing with his hands on his hips, asks,

"What's a bonsai tree?"

Oswald closes his eyes, groans, and hits his head against the metal bars. He's going to be in here for a while.

I walk into work at the GCPD precinct to find a familiar, if beaten face in one of the jail cells.

"Oswald..." I realize aloud.

His suit is haggard and dirty, with his hair lacking its usual plumage and a black eye consuming a good portion of his face. Somehow I can't help but...laugh. Thank goodness Oswald doesn't notice me among the dozens of other officers, because I know he wouldn't be pleased at my amusement. But still...seeing him powerless once more, after all of his's rather cathartic, isn't it?

After composing myself, I finally make my way up to him, and before I'm halfway there, he recognizes me through the ill-fitting policeman's uniform and cap.

"Trixie! My love-"
I immediately hush him down, "Oswald, do you know where we are right now?! If word got out that I was associated with you-"

He gives me a rather defiant look, crossing his arms, "Trixie...all cops are crooked one way or another...well, except for James Gordon, but...that's besides the point..."

Distracted, Oswald's eyes start roaming, "Where's Jim?"

I can't help but chuckle. He's so obvious, it's adorable, "I heard some of the other unis talking about him getting demoted. Security guard at the newly reopened Arkham Asylum, I think."

He purses his lips, "Well, that's a shame. Now, onto my freedom-"

"Well, what do we have here?"

Detective Bullock comes strolling up to Oswald and I. I've never had much interaction with Bullock, and I assume he only knows me as another uni, as well as a dancer for Fish.

"Officer K, right? Say, I haven't seen you down at Fish Mooney's lately? Getting to old for the glitter and sequins?'s a good...ahem...stage name, you should take it on the road-"

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