The Basket

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    I return home, my head bowed, a weary expression on my face. I've just been on a bad streak lately, and it's wearing me down.

As I approach the door, I begin to hear the melody of a piano being played from the other side. Oh just keeps getting worse, doesn't it?

My hand shakes on the doorknob as I open the door. No need for a key, it's already unlocked. The piano music stops, as Oswald turns around on the piano stool.

"Good. You're home," he smiles, getting up.

"I don't have time to deal with you now," I snap, "get out."

Oswald swoops in like a hawk, slamming his hand into the wall next to my head. He leans in, his nose practically touching mine.

"Awe, Trixie...I'm disappointed. Is that how you say hello?"

Oswald pins me to the wall and starts repeatedly slamming my head into the wall. After the third slam, I get ahold of the lapels of his suit and throw my weight onto him. We tumble to the floor, Oswald immediately getting the upper hand by climbing on top of me, knocking my head into the hard wooden floor. My head's spinning, as multiple Oswalds swirl across my vision and patches start to go black.

"I loved you...I trusted you, and you betrayed me," he growls, holding me by the neck but not choking.

I grab the hand clutching to my neck, but he secures both of his hands there, "Honestly...are you really surprised?"

His legs rest on my stomach, his hands still wrapped around my neck.

I sigh, "Oswald, considering you know who I am, and the fact that this isn't even the first time I've betrayed you...why are you so surprised?"

"I thought...I thought you'd love me," Oswald's face starts to flush red, as his

grip loosens slightly.

I take this opportunity to wrap my leg around him, throwing him up and over, so that I land on top. I have to steady myself once I'm on top, after those slams into the wall my orientation is completely off. As long as I can avoid any more blows to the head, I should be fine.

"Oh, Oswald...I do love you. It's just...this business requires some tough calls. It was between ratting out you or Liza and-"

"And you chose Liza?" he finishes, rolling his eyes, "Well, that shows how much you care."

"Hey, I figured you'd have a better chance at defending yourself," I argue.

He doesn't smile, but his expression calms a bit. Good, appealing to his ego always works.

" far as excuses go...that's not too bad..." Oswald admits, scowling, "still...that doesn't mean you don't deserve a little punishment."

He grabs my hair and yanks down. My head hits the ground and I'm out like a light.

    I awake, and find myself in my own bedroom. My back's against the wall, my hands secured up on the air.

I look up and find that my hands are tied to a rope hanging from the ceiling. Looking down reveals that my feet have been bound in a similar fashion.

Oswald lies on my bed, looking upwards, "Why can't love be simple?"

I chuckle, "It never is."

Watching out for his bum foot, Oswald helps himself out of my bed. On the floor, he reaches for a woven basket with a white cloth wrapped around it, "I brought you some goodies. The rope is just the start."

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