Chapter 4

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"She wants to adopt me or Ada and Amanda." Jacob said.
'If she's going to adopt you or the twins we will just have to deal with it. You deserve to have a family just as much as anyone else here.' I signed, and then he realized that I brought people over.
"Stop saying that like you don't deserve a family! You might not be in the system but you deserve one just as much as anyone else here too!" He exclaimed, hugging my tightly. Just then, an older guy came in with 2 young girls.
Jacob ran upstairs, as he doesn't always like interaction with the adults, and I got up and Piper followed me to meet the guy.
"I want to adopt someone. Preferably a younger boy." The man said, and the two girls squealed when they say Andy come down the stairs.
"Daddy can it be him?" The girls jumped excitingly pointing at Andy.
Andy then came up to me, because he really wanted a family, and the one he was in before had two girls, just like this one.
'This is Andrew, Andy for short. He's five, he's going to the kindergarten a few streets down. Jasmine will be here at 5 if you are interested in adopting him.' I signed and Piper translated, and he nodded, saying that he would be back.

Time skip to when Jasmine is back and is sorting out paperwork with the man. By the way the man's name is Rob.

"Percy, go get Andy for me?" Jasmine asked, and I nodded, going to get him, (Annabeth, Piper, Jason, and Thalia left already) and brought him back downstairs to the counter where Jasmine and Rob was going through the paperwork.
"Thank you Percy. Why don't you go out and hang with those people you brought over yesterday?" Jasmine asked, clearly trying to get me more interaction, so I nodded and walked out to the park.
"Hey Jackson! Why are you all alone? Where's your pity party?" Hector exclaimed, walking over to where I was, sitting on one of the tables that was at the park.
'what do you want?' I signed, knowing that he knew sign language.
Then it started. Luckily, the park was a good distance from the orphanage, so it was unlikely for anyone from there to see us.
The fight. He punched me, and I jumped off the table, and kicked him in the stomach. It went on like this for a while, until he managed to throw me on the ground, but that couldn't have been that hard, I never really ate that often. I was kicking and thrashing around trying to get out of his grip, but it didn't work. He was over me, and he was punching my face repeatedly and then he got up and started kicking my side before I could get up. Finally he left and I got up, then walked around, but I got dizzy and fell into someone's arms.
"Per... Percy?" I could tell it was Jason. I managed to stand up right, leaning on him for support, and he took me to his place, then called the group to come over, even the ones I didn't know.

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