Chapter 20

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"Happy birthday!" Everyone yelled as I walked through the door. I immediately dropped my ice cream and covered my ears in fear, and then people started apologizing, remembering I don't like yelling.

"Uh- w-what's a b-birth-thday?" I asked, scared if they were gonna be mad.
"Well, it celebrates another year of life. We used the school student handbook to find out your birthday. You turn 17 today." Annabeth said, walking to the kitchen. "Do you want a new ice cream cone?" She yelled from the kitchen, but it didn't scare me because it was a few rooms away.
"Yes please." I whimpered, still scared of everything that just happened.
"Leo, go ask Annabeth for ice cream cones?" Jason asked, and Thalia took me to the couch, where Finding Nemo was playing.

"Nemo!" I exclaimed, watching the movie for the thousandth time in awe.

"You dork." Thalia said, rolling her eyes.

I just giggled in response, when I saw Annabeth walking in with a bunch of ice cream cones and someone walking behind her.

"I got enough for everyone! Stop pushing!" Annabeth exclaimed over everyone's talking.

"Annieee?? Who's that?" I said, pointing behind her.

"It's one of your birthday presents!" A few people said.
Annabeth walked over to me and sat next to me, giving me an ice cream cone, and then I finally saw who the mystery person was.

"H-hazel?" I said, confused.
"Yeah seaweed brain. I missed you." As He said, sitting on the other side of me, and I buried my head into her neck, but still watched the movie.

See, Hazel had to go on some sort of trip with her family, and we are really close, so I really missed her when she was gone. So it's a really big deal that she left.

"You want cake first or the rest of the presents first Perce?" Annabeth asked.

"I get... More stuff?" I said slowly, very confused. No one has ever celebrated me before.

"Yeah, you get presents from everyone, then everyone sings to you and we eat cake." Hazel said calmly.
"Cake?" I said, looking up at Hazel.
"Yeah, do you want some?" She asked.
I nodded after picking up my head from her shoulder.

I'm gonna do the rest of the birthday in the next chapter. I had to do this quickly because I was really busy and trying to do this while having to help hold a conversation is not easy. But I did it.

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