Chapter 5

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"What happened to you?" Piper asked as she stared to wrap up my stomach.
'I just got a bit beat up, no big deal.' I signed.
"This isn't just something that can be blown off like how you are trying to Percy. Get moving. Explain." Piper said, sitting down across from me, next to some kid called Leo.
'Some kid came up to me, and we broke out in a fight. I didn't want to hurt him to bad, so I just played defense. But he threw me to the ground and started beating me up big time, then he left, I started walking away, fell, realized I fell into Jason's arms, he helped me walk here, and here we are.' I signed, looking down at the ground and messing with the carpet that we were sitting on.
"This happens often, doesn't it?" Leo asked, sympathy in his eyes.
I just nodded, trying to keep myself from crying.
"Ok listen, this is going to sound really awkward, but do you maybe want to sleep with one of us? A few years ago, I got bullied a lot in school, I was only able to sleep if I was with someone." Leo asked.
'yeah, can you, maybe? Or Jason?' I signed, still not looking up.
"I don't mind either way. Piper can you go to the kitchen and talk to Jason about it?"
She nodded, then stood up and walked to the kitchen. A few minutes later, she came back in.
"He says he doesn't care if he does or doesn't." Piper said, taking her phone from her pocket and texting someone. "Leo is your mom even ok with you sleeping over? I can text her if you need."
"Uh yeah- you should probably text her. She's probably freaking out trying to figure out where I am." Leo said, chuckling.
A few minutes ago by, and nobody talks until Jason walks back in the room with Hot chocolate and s'mores. (It's the middle of fall right now by the way)
"Thanks Jay." A curly haired girl, Hazel, said, taking some from the tray that Jason put in the middle of the room.
Once everyone other than me took some from the tray, they all started eating. I just messed with my pen hoping no one asked if I was going to eat.
But obviously someone did. "Percy aren't you going to eat anything?" Annabeth asked, looking at me.
I shook my head, and kept looking at the ground, putting the pen back in my pocket.
"Why not?" Annabeth asked.
'Not allowed.' I signed.
"What do you mean, you weren't allowed?" Piper asked, putting her hot chocolate down.
'Gabe said I was only allowed to eat when he gave me food. But he's dead now. But my body only knows how to eat when someone puts food on a plate or tray or something in front of me.' I signed.
"When was the last time you ate?" Piper asked worryingly.
'i lost track. Near the beginning of the school year I think. I was with one of you the last time I ate something.'
"I'm gonna go make you a plate of food. But don't feel pressured to eat all of it, ok?" Leo said, getting up, and I nodded before he went to the kitchen.
When he came back, he had a plate with some snacks and stuff like that. I ate probably about half of it before pushing it away from myself.
'Uhm . . . Can Jason sleep with me? If he's ok with it that is.'I signed, looking around at everyone.
"Jason, are you ok sleeping with Percy tonight? Just like what Hazel did with Leo last year." Piper asked, looking at Jason.
He nodded, and we both got up. Jason and I said/signed goodnight, and we both went to one of the guest rooms, and laid on the bed.

There is no dirty stuff at all. One, I can't write that kind of thing, two, this is going to be semi family friendly.

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