Chapter 16

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Before I start shout out to
LostRose05 for voting. I really appreciate it.

Now for story

I didn't even communicate at all. I just ran out of the house and into the downpour outside. Soon would I realize though, that was a terrible idea.
It started thundering, which just meant lightning was to come. And the light from the lightning scares me. Not even the noise. I've been called weird a bunch for it.
And of course, I run into Piper and Michelle, and the boys.
'Hey...' I signed nervously, now soaked to the bone in water, but nervous sweat was clearly obvious on my forehead.
"Perce? What's going on?" Piper asked, looking sympatheticly (is that a word?) at me.
'Uhm... Some things happened and me and Jason kissed but I freaked out and I ran away because I got scared and I didn't know what to do and- and...' I signed quickly, before getting cut off.
"Perce. You gotta come back with us. I'm not giving you a choice." Piper said, taking my hand in hers using the hand she wasn't using to carry Michelle.
I just nodded, knowing I couldn't talk my way out of this.
About 15 minutes later, we made it home.
"Perce!" Jason exclaimed and ran to me when we walked in the door.
After a while, we all decided to play truth or dare, Leo's way. We didn't agree on the Leo's way part, but we kinda just did it.
"Ok basically, if you don't do the truth or dare you were given, you can chicken. But there is only two chickens. That all of us share. If those are gone, if you don't do the truth or dare then you must take off a piece of clothing."
"Ok I start! Annie truth or dare?" Hazel asked excitingly.
"Truth." Annabeth replied, already annoyed with the entire idea.
"If you were to date someone in this room, who would it be?" Hazel asked, an evil look in her and Annabeth's eyes.
"Piper." Annabeth replied without mush emotion, but you could see her blushing spread on her face.
"Pipes truth or dare?" Annabeth then said, looking at her.
"Dare!" Piper said proudly.
"Go to camp in clown makeup tomorrow." Annabeth replied.
"Chicken. I can't lose my reputation!" Piper exclaimed, madly.
"Leo, truth or dare?" Piper asked.
"Lamee. Anyways tell your secretest secret." Piper said, eying him.
"Chicken! No one will know that. Other than Perce. I think I might've told him." Leo said. Then looked at me. "Truth or dare, Perce?"
'Do I have to play?'I signed, knowing that Piper would translate.
"Perce, just pick one.
'Fine. Truth.' I signed.
"Truth, Leo." Piper translated.
"Ok, Perce, sign your saddest childhood memory." Leo said, to which I shook my head, and quickly brought my knees to my chest.
"Perce? If you don't wanna do it you know the rules." Someone said. I was to busy trying not to break down that I couldn't tell who said it.
At this point I was rocking back and forth, and tears were steadily streaming down my face, but I was making no noise.
"Leo! He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to!" Annabeth yelled angerly at Leo.
"Yes he does! We agreed at the beginning!" Leo exclaimed.
'i'll do it. But you have to promise not to stare!' I signed, and Piper translated. After everyone nodded, I took off my shirt. Everyone gasped at all of the scars I had, then quickly looked away after they remembered that they promised not to stare.
"Let's continue?" Piper asked, not sure what to say as no one else was talking.
'i'll keep playing if I don't have to ask anyone truth or dare.' I signed,to which Piper translated and everyone nodded.
About half an hour later, all of us has taken off at least one price of clothing.
"Ok. Last one because I'm tired. Percy, truth or dare?"
'Dare.' I signed.
"Da-are" Piper said, yawning.
" Play seven minutes in heaven with Justin. If you agree I'll call him." Leo said. Of Course leo has to pick the one person that I used to date.
'i'll do it.' I signed, trying not to look worried. Michelle, Danny, and the boys.
"He said he would do it, Leo." Piper said, annoyed, and Leo called him over. He made it here in only a few minutes. He must have lived close.
"So what am I here for?" Justin asked, looking at the group.
"Seven minutes in heaven with Percy." Leo said, pushing us into a closet.

**In the closet**
He touched me. I was crying the entire time, but I couldn't do anything. I squirmed, in hopes to get away from him. It didn't work very well, but I managed to get away from him for about a minute.

I was full on sobbing at that point. I could barely breathe, and my vision was cloudy from tears.

The way he looked at me hurt me mentally so bad, and I couldn't do it anymore. I just had to hope it had been 7 minutes, because the next thing I knew my mind was telling my legs to run from that closet as fast as I could, which considering cercumstances could be very fast.

*out of the closet*

"So? How was it?" Leo asked when we appeared.
I just ran to Jason, out of instinct, and wrapped my arms around his neck and started crying into his shoulder.
He hugged me back, very confused at why I was crying, or why I went to him, or both. I'm not sure.
But I'm scared for what will happen tomorrow, when I tell him I'm gay, and that I have a major crush on him.

Hey!!! More than 1000 word in this one! Are you proud of me? I hope you like it. Editing this (ish). I'm reading all of it again and oh my gosh how much my writing style has changed. (Tbh it's not that much but I format it differently)

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