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Stark throws a switch as his Vita Ray reactors come online

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Stark throws a switch as his Vita Ray reactors come online. Finally, Stark turns the power dial.

A piercing whine fills the room, grabbing Barbara's attention. Hearing Steve in the slightest pain makes her cringe in fear.

She glances down at a large gauge. The needle begins to climb.

"Ten percent... twenty..." Howard spoke as he started counting. Barbara couldn't see it, but Steve's face went tense. She was on the edge of
her seat as Peggy had her fingers crossed.

"Thirty... forty..."

Barbara's cringe increased as she could hear Steve's pain increase. Her panic kicked in, and she didn't realize she was about to get off her seat until she felt Peggy's hand hold hers so she could stay in place. Erskine checks Steve's vitals. He nods to Stark, who turns the dial higher.

"Fifty... sixty..."

Steve's head snaps back, seizing. The EKG beeps faster...and faster... Now it was Peggy's turn to stand, worried. Barbara stands next to her as her breath fogs the glass.

"Seventy... Eighty..."

The glow surges, flooding the window and hiding Steve. The EKG shrieks.


Barbara flinches as a scream echoes from the speaker. Erskine rushes to the window but can't see in. He barks into the microphone.

"Steven? STEVEN?"

"Oh my gosh," Barbara spoke and rushed out of the booth with Peggy following her behind. The two hurried down the stairs. "Shut it down!"

The lights get brighter. The viewers shield their eyes.

Erskine looked over at Howard. "Mr. Stark, kill the reactors."


Steve's voice brought everyone's attention. Stark's hand hovers over the dial.

"Don't... I can do this."

Erskine swallows. With great hesitation, he nods to Stark.

Stark gives the dial a final turn. One hundred. The whine splits the air, and the vital ray chamber flashes from orange to white. Suddenly it goes dark, the objection dies, and so does the EKG.

LOVING WAR - BUCKY BARNESWhere stories live. Discover now