Five days of isolation (Part 3)

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Thob POV:
Well, It's the third day now. I actually kinda miss the noise in my class, even the presence of the teacher I miss. But now I should go to the... the.... art class? Alright?
So, after getting in to the art class, I saw my cellphone, and the teacher already told me what I have to do.

Teacher: You have to draw in black & white, ok?

Thob: Alright.

So, I thought of drawing a abstract drawing while the art being completely weird. It looked good.
So, I sent the picture of the drawing

Teacher: Good drawing. Not that bad.

Thob: Thanks I guess?

I go to the dorms, but, this time was different.
I couldn't sleep at all, I was having several nightmares. And now... I snapped.
I literally started crying and screaming, but, the science teacher saw me.

Baldi: Look. I know it's difficult to be alone in a class without anyone, but, you can do it.

He didn't got mad? Alright then.

I started finding ways to cope with the insanity by binge eating or by...
Punching myself.

It was not health at all, but, it was a way to cope with it, since the teachers does not really care.
I decided to go on the cafeteria just to binge eat again. It worked. I got more calm for a while, but I was already becoming anxious, day by day.

So, after that, I punched myself for a while on my legs, until I finally got asleep.

(2 days left of isolation)

A Comforting feeling... (Fool bear x Clown Bear) Bear AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now