chapter 2

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A/n: tw for swearing & abuse, and I've only been to like,,, 3 rodeos in my life so correct me in the comments if I mess anything up

At 5 o'clock I went to the barn to load up the horses, it was a local show so it was short car ride there. While I only had to care for 3 horses, they were the spiciest bitches I had ever worked with, resulting in not getting a break until the last half hour of the rodeo. I left the back to go find soda, hopefully he hadn't already left. As I was looking, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey you're Soda's girlfriend Bunny right?" It was the guy with sideburns, he has rusty hair, a stocky build, wild grey eyes, and a smile bigger than a Cheshire cat.
"We're not dating, but yea. I was looking for him anyways." I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck.
"Oh! He's looking for you too! Come on." Apparently they were seated across the rig in the top seats. As we walked we made small talk. " So where have you been all night? Does it have something to do with your hair being all messed up?" He ruffled my hair and winked.
"NO! Glory no! I've just been working!"
"Aw, come-on, I saw you flirting with Dallas earlier, come to think of it I haven't seen him around." He smirked, I stuck out my tongue.
"Not in a million years, I don't like guys like that. Anyways I don't think I caught your name."
"Changing the subject okay, I see you." His smile somehow got bigger. "My names Two-bit."
"That's an interesting name."
"Yeah I got the name because I never shut up!" He laughed, I rolled my eyes.
"Hey guys, I've been looking for you all over!" Soda yelled, he trotted over. "Where have you been Bunny?"
"I had to care for some of the horses."
"Well I haven't seen you in any events what do you ride?" A guy with black hair said. He looked judgmental.
"I don't ride, not since an accident." Two-bits eyes lit up. Uh oh.
"So you're here as a buckle-BUNNY?" He laughed, how mature.
"I mean I guess but I can't get any guys." I giggled.
"You could get me." The guy with black hair smirked.
"No, Steve!" Soda said a little loudly, causing people to turn to us. Was he jealous?
"Y'all haven't talked in years if she likes me she likes me," Steve turned to me "Do you doll?" I took a step towards him and smiled, one way to find out if Soda was jealous or not.
"I'm not saying I like you, I'm just saying black-haired guys are my type." I pulled on his collar a little. You could almost see steam seep from sodas ears.
"THAT IS ENOUGH!" He was so frustrated his voice cracked. "My two best friends are not hooking up!" He crossed his arms and pouted.
"Sorry to intrude but Bonnie, did you say you were working?" A shy small boy said from the bleachers. He had black hair that went over his eyes and dark skin blotched with bruises and cuts. He looked like a kicked puppy.
"Uh, yeah; I work as a stable hand." I got kinda nervous I don't like talking about my job to strangers.
"But you were working earlier too, don't you get a break?" I almost laughed.
"Not really, we're short on staff and I gotta pay bills so I work overtime a lot." I shifted on my feet, I already knew where this was going.
"You have to pay bills, are your parents like dead beats?" Steve asked, I was sweating a little now.
"I- uh," I looked at Soda I didnt want him to find out this way, I altered my eyes to my feet. "I got kicked out." My eyes got blurry all the memories came flooding back.

My mom threw a lamp at me, it cracked behind my head.
"WORTHLESS, WORTHLESS PIECE OF GARBAGE!" she screamed, I sat in the corner with my arms over my head, I was so scared. Ever since Soda had quit I had no one to run to. I heard my dad's heavy footsteps walk into the room.
"QUIT BITCHING, I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!" He walked over to me and pulled me up by my hair, "Do you have your paycheck yet?" He growled into my face.
"No sir, I was sick all week, I couldn't get paid. I'm sorry." I sobbed he raised a fist and punched my face. It hurt so bad. Then he dropped me.
"Get out of my house, and don't come back." He said flatly.
"D-dad? Are you serious?" I cried more, all I ever wanted was to be cared for.
"DID I STUTTER, GET OUT BEFORE I KILL YOU!" I scrambled upstairs to grab a few necessities and ran into the cold streets.

*End flashback*

"Bonnie, are you okay?" Two bit asked, I nodded my head even though I was shaking and crying. How stupid I'm supposed to be tuff. I looked at Soda his handsome face was dark and his fists were balled up.
"It got worse didn't it?" He said.
"Yeah, it did, but it's okay it's over now." He embraced me in a hug.
"Bonnie, I'm so sorry I should've been there for you." He sobbed
"It's okay, everything's okay." He pulled away. Everyone was silent for a few minutes.
"We should celebrate." Steve said randomly.
"Celebrate what?" I said.
"You two being reunited and you need to let loose, youre like the most stressed person I've ever met." I nodded I get that a lot.
"Hey, how about we go to bucks, he's throwing a party." Two bit joined in.
"Alright I have to tell my boss first." They all nodded and I went to find Mr. Bills who, was getting a drink at the rodeo bar.
"Hey Mr. Bills."
"Hey Bonnie! My best worker!" He put his arm around my shoulder sloppily.
"Can you get someone else to unload the horses, I'm going to a party." It sounded rude but I was always taking the fall I deserve this.
"Sure, you have fun, and be on time tomorrow."
"Sure-can-do! Bye!" I rushed back to the group with a smile on my face "he said yes! Hey where's Johnny?"
"He went home, let's go we can take my car." Two-bit said, Soda grabbed my hand and dragged me to an old two seat pick up.
"SHOTGUN!" Steve yelled. We all laughed and Soda and I got in the bed of the truck.

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