chapter 3

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T.w: swearing, drinking, & abuse

We sat in the back of two-bits truck, I learned my head on Soda's shoulder I was really tired even though it was only 9.
"Hey bun." He said quietly, his voice was like chocolate so smooth and nice.
"Yea sodapapi?" I smiled he fiddled with my fingers.
"Why didn't you ever reach out to me when that shit happened? I knew your parents were bad but I had no idea." I could hear to worry in his voice.
"I don't know, I guess I thought for a while you didn't care and then when I was ready to reach out to you I realized I had lost track of you." He pulled me away to look at me.
"Why would you ever think that?" His handsome features had wrinkles of worry all over.
"You have no idea what I believed when I was with them." He frowned.
"Where did you go when they kicked you out?" I pulled out a cigarette, I try not to smoke but it's really weird talking to someone.
"I lived in the grooms cabins for a few months until I got enough money to rent and apartment, I've been there for almost 2 years now." He nodded slowly. "So how are your parents?" I smiled, they always welcomed me when I needed somewhere to stay and they were so kind.
"Oh they... Died, 6 months ago. Darry's taking care of Pony and I now." It was my turn to hug him.
"Soda, I'm so sorry. They would be so proud of you." I didn't really know what to say, but our friendship was still so strong a hug could say everything. We stayed like that for a few minutes until I decided to break the silence. "Hey, do you remember Mickey Mouse's dam?"
"Yeah?" He sniffled.
"She's having another foal tomorrow and I'm on watch, do you want to come with to keep me awake?" His eyes lit up.
"Yeah! I'd love to!" He was just like a little kid but I loved it.
"Alright I'll count on it I put my head back on his shoulder and let the car sway me to sleep."
"HEY! Look at these lovebirds!" Two-bit shouted. I opened my eyes, I was cuddled on top of Soda and he had his arms around me but he was asleep too. We were outside a old bar. I shook him a little but it didn't work.
"He's such a heavy sleeper." Steve rolled his eyes.
"Don't worry, I got this" I positioned myself so I was sitting on his legs and held down his arms with my feet. Then I started tickling him, he woke up quickly laughing.
"No! Stoooopppp!!! Bonnie!!!!" I tickled him more. "Let me UPPPPP!!"
"Not a chance pretty boy!" I giggled. He started wiggling trying to get free and I fell on him, getting really close to his face. Then to my surprise, he kissed me! Just a peck, but I was so dumbfounded I lost all concentration and he rolled from underneath me. Two and Steve were laughing hysterically and I just sat there.
"Thanks for the sugar doll." I looked at him and started laughing too, my red lipstick got on his lips. "What? What are you laughing at?" I stopped quickly.
"Nothing papi." I laughed a little he turned around and headed towards the bar and I put my made a motion to tell Two and Steve to stay quiet, they both nodded and headed inside.
I felt underdressed to say the least, all the other girls were wearing jewelry, skirts, and pretty tops. Along with magnificent hair and makeup. But no one gave me any weird looks so I got over it pretty fast. Loud country music played, country wasn't my favorite but it wasn't the worst I kinda swayed along to it. I looked around for the boys, Two-bit was picking up some blonde, Steve was sucking faces with a girl, and soda was getting some drinks. He walked back over.
"Oh thank goodness, I thought you were going to leave me alone." He chuckled.
"I would never, here I got you a Tom Collins, your favorite." Glory, his smile was just like the sun, he was perfect. "What are you staring at Bunny?" I blushed.
"Only the most perfect guy I've ever met." I laughed. Then a girl with blonde hair walked over.
"Hey Soda, who's the broad?" She sneered. I blinked trying to figure out who she was.
"Oh Sandy, this is my best friend Bonnie, Bonnie, this is my girlfriend Sandy." He put his arm around her waist but she pushed him away.
"Don't touch me, you've been making out with her haven't you?!" She poked his chest he looked hurt.
"No, Sandy I would never cheat on you!" He tried grabbing her hand.
"Then why do you have her makeup on your lips?" He put his hand on his lips and looked at the red now on his fingers, his face was white. I felt bad that I may have just ruined their relationship.
"No! It's a new lipstick so I had him try it on to make sure it would look good. He talks about you all the time though, you two are perfect together I wouldn't ruin that!" Soda definitely owes me for these lies but if Soda likes he she must be nice. She smiled.
"Oh all right, I just get scared sometimes, you know all those girls always hitting on him!" She laughed, she seemed really great.
"Oh I get it! He's so lucky to have a girl like you!" Soda smiled.
"Hey I'm going to go hang with the boys you girls should get to know each other!" He smiled. Jackass, I lied for him and now he's leaving me.
"Ok babe have fun!" She kissed him deeply, I got the message she didn't want me to mess with him. "wait." She took a handkerchief out of her purse and wiped the lipstick off. "There, now have fun." He left and she turned to me and we talked for a while. By the end we were really good friends.

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