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Justin Bieber

I was laying down in bed with Valerie. She was asleep but, I wasn't. I looked at the clock by our bed and it read 3 am. I looked at Valerie and made sure she was really asleep before I carefully slipped out of the bed. I grabbed one of the my shirts off the floor and put it on. I was already in sweatpants so no need to change into anything else. I closed the bedroom door gently so it wouldn't wake Valerie up.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. The kitchen was sound proof so Valerie couldn't hear anything If I made any noise. I grabbed my cell out of my sweats and searched for the contact I was looking for. I waited for the person to pick up.

"Hello?" The voice croaked into the phone.

"Hey babe, where you asleep?"

"Well, I was until you called" She giggled.

"Can I come over baby?"

"Yeah, I'll be waiting for you"

"Okay, see you in a few, I love you Selena"

"I love you too Justy"

I then clicked the end button and sighed. Yes, I was cheating on Valerie with the beautiful Selena Gomez. I have been doing it for over a year now. It didn't seem that way though, It was so easy for me to cheat on Valerie when we weren't moving into together. But, now that we have, I had to sneak away and see Selena. Selena knew about Valerie. But, I was going to dump Valerie for Selena soon. I felt bad for using Valerie. But, I have fallen out of her ever since I meet Selena.

I grabbed my converse off the floor and walked out. I locked the door and walked to my BMW. I slowly pulled out of the driveway and headed to Selena's. Selena was my number one in my life right now. I felt as if she was the love of my life even though it's been a year and a couple months.


I got to Selena's and unlocked the door. Yes, I had the key to her house and she had the key to mine. Selena and I have gotten more serious than Valerie and I ever did in the last three years. Valerie wanted to take things slowly and by time. I didn't want that, and thankfully Selena wasn't like that either.

I walked in and took of my shoes. I walked up the stairs to her bedroom and opened the door quietly. But, it was useless since she was already awake. I took off my shirt but not my sweat pants and climbed into bed with her.

"Hey, babe."

She pulled my head down and I gave her a sweet kiss on the lips. I loved the feeling of her lips on mine. I could still taste the lip gloss she had on from a couple hours ago. I wrapped my arms around her waist while she nuzzled close to my neck. Her hands traveled down my chest until she reached my sweatpants strings. She pulled on them but, I stopped her.

"Not tonight okay?" She sighed but, nodded. We both than cuddled closer together and closed our eyes. Ready for some sleep.

Valerie King

I rolled over on the other side of bed to snuggle up to Justin. But, not only when I felt nothing there, but when I opened my eyes I saw nothing there either. I looked at the alarm clock and it read 5 am. I then suddenly remembered that Justin usually woke up at 4 am sometimes just to get to work early. But, today was Sunday and usually on these days he didn't have work. So where could he have gone?

I shook my head at the thought of asking him. I wasn't going to this time. We have been fighting alot and I didn't want to have another one. I just wanted everything to be the way they used to be. Justin showing me how much he loved me everyday. Calling me beautiful, Sending me flowers endlessly, Calling randomly just to tell me he loved me.But, Justin didn't do that anymore.

Even though I get to see him everyday for a couple hours....I still missed him. a lot.

And it hurt.

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