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Valerie King

I was sitting in one of the airport seats. Waiting for Justin to come back with some snacks he said he was going to buy. I was tapping my foot against the floor rapidly. It was a habit of mine whenever I got too excited or too nervous. In this case it was excited. When Justin asked me to come to Hawaii with him, I was surprised. I mean sure I traveled a lot with him, but never a vacation, He was too busy for one. But, when I asked him why were we going there all of a sudden he simply told me it was to relax before the big tour coming up.

"They didn't have water for some reason, but I got you a Mountain Dew." Justin said handing me the soda and sitting down next to me. Mountain Dew was my favorite drink of all time. Well besides Gatorade and water it was. I crank opened the soda and began sipping it, while Justin drank Pepsi.

"How could you drink Pepsi? it's so gross"

"You must be high, woman." I laughed at his remark as he smiled and began drinking more of his Pepsi. I looked around the airport for Kenny. He said he had to use the bathroom but, it's been ten minutes our plane left in twenty. I told Justin we should have used the private Jet. We would have gotten there by now.

"How come we didn't use your private Jet?" Justin seemed a little nervous when I asked that, I narrowed my eyes at him, as he took another drink of his soda. He has been acting weird ever since he told me we were going to Hawaii. And that was only two days ago.

"Uh..I let a friend borrow it."

"Oh," was all I said. I didn't want to be the annoying girlfriend who always asked him questions. I was always an independent person. I couldn't really show it though since Justin would keep me in the house when I was with him and sometimes when he was gone. It annoyed the hell out of me being controlled sometimes. But, I had to deal with it for the sake of this relationship. I was tired of arguing over the same old thing.

Justin Bieber

when I told Valerie I let a friend borrow my plane. It was half the truth. I let Selena borrow it so she could also get to Hawaii. I didn't like lying to Valerie about almost everything, it wasn't who I am. But, I also done worse in life than lie so I guess it couldn't be so bad. No one knew about Selena and I, not even my own mother.

"Are you excited?" I asked Valerie.

"Yes, very." she nodded her head and smiled. I smiled back, it was kind of a habit. Valerie always made me smile in the most randomest ways. It was weird but, I liked it. I turned my head back and saw Kenny walking towards us. He must have been done with using the bathroom since he was in there for fifteen minutes now. Damn, the things Kenny can do.

"Ready to go? Plane leaves in five."

"Yeah, buddy." Valerie and I stood up and carried some of the bags we had. Kenny couldn't help because that's when people started to notice us. Kenny kept pushing people away but, the screaming fans kept coming back. If it wasn't worse enough, Paparazzi arrived and took pictures. I grabbed Valerie's hand cause I didn't want her to get hurt. I was really overprotected of Valerie when it came to things like this.

Valerie King

We finally got to the front of the door that lead to the plane, Justin gave the attendant our tickets and she let us in. We walked into the long hallway that lead to the plane. While walking I felt very sick. My stomach was cramping up and I felt as if I was going to throw up any minute. I was rushing to get to the plane as fast as I could but, it felt like forever.

When we got inside the plane we went straight to the first class area. I just wanted to hurry up so I could get to the bathroom. The flight attendant took our bags and put it somewhere onto the side. Other people were also boarding onto first class but, I didn't know any of them. They seemed old.

"Sit down, Hun." I looked down and saw Justin sitting in his seat and Kenny on the other side of the plane. Suddenly the sick feeling from the hallway came back and I rushed to the bathroom with my bag. I opened the bathroom door by sliding it. Once I was inside I didn't bother closing it. I just began throwing up. I felt tears coming out of my eyes and I kept going violently. It wasn't because I was crying on purpose, that just happened to me every time I would throw up. I hated being sick.

After a couple minutes of puking, I pulled out one of those small toothbrushes on the go out of my bag. It came in with built in toothpaste and began brushing my teeth.

What was wrong with me? Did I eat something bad?

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