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Valerie King

I was having lunch with Aria. She flew out here in Hawaii last night after a talked to her on the phone. I told her everything, the pregnancy scare, the little box I found in the bathroom closet. At first Aria's reaction was shocked and then it went to happy. She even screamed at the top of her lungs which caused everyone who was eating lunch outside too look at us.

"So when do you think he is going to ask you?" Aria asked dipping some ranch on her chicken salad. I shrugged

"I don't know, but I am nervous." I picked up my fork again and some shoved chicken into my mouth. I never really pictured myself getting married. Like most girls, by the age of 12 they already probably planned out there dream wedding. Not me, I wasn't like most girls.

"Let's go wedding shopping!" Aria screeched.

She was more excited about this, than I was."You're insane, he hasn't even asked me yet and you already want to go shopping?"

"Well you know me." She said and popped her collar. I laughed at her stupid remark. Sometimes Aria was weird but, she was also my best friend and the one I could always count on. "So are you coming to Justin's World Tour or not?"

"I can't believe he is having another one of those, and obviously I am going." I rolled my eyes and shook my head at her, I then reached for my jean pocket because I felt my cell vibrating. I took it out, too see that I had a text message from Justin. "Speaking of the devil, himself."

Justin : Come back to the hotel. We need to talk.

I put my phone away and finished the rest of my salad. "I have to go Aria, I'll see you later though"

"You're going to ditch me?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'll make up to you okay? Justin wants to talk to me."

"Figures." She mumbled, smirking and went back to eating her salad, while I began walking back to the hotel room. I wonder what Justin wanted to talk to me about. Hopefully, it isn't something horrible.And hopefully it isn't something I would regret.

Justin Bieber

After texting Valerie, I laid on my bed and began watching television. I took of my shoes and shirt and laid them out on the floor. I just got back from Selena's hotel room. We were snuggling close onto the couch, watching a movie. During it, she fell asleep so I had to carry her to her bed. I left a note for her saying I left, so she wouldn't get freaked out. Inside I was freaking out, It wasn't at the fact that I was going to break up with Valerie. Because I wasn't going to do that, not tonight at least.

It was the fact that Selena wanted to meet Valerie. I didn't know why, I tried everything to get Selena to change her mind. But, she wouldn't budge. My thoughts were interrupted when the hotel room door slammed Shut, and Valerie walked into the room.

"Hey," She said cheerfully. Usually I would have smiled at every time she walked into the door but, that was the past. I didn't want Valerie anymore. I had Selena and Selena was all that mattered.

"Hey, Where were you?" I watched as she set her purse down onto the floor and walked onto the other side of the bed.

She sat down Indian style and rested her head against a pillow. "With Aria, we had lunch"

"Oh," I said and looked at the television. A repeated episode of Jersey Shore was playing, the one where Mike knocked himself out by hitting himself against the wall. I wouldn't meet Valerie in the eyes, I didn't want to have this conversation. But, since Selena was my baby, I would give her everything she ever wanted and desired. Even if it meant meeting Valerie.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?"

Well that broke the ice.

"Listen, We are having dinner tonight." She smiled big, I gave her a weak smile.

"Oh, what's the occasion?"

Oh, just the fact that you're going to meet the girl I have been cheating on you with the past couple of months.

But, of course I couldn't say that.

So instead I said, "I just want to you to meet a special friend of mine, who is coming on to the tour with us." Valerie seemed fond of the idea.

She grinned "Okay, I'm going to take a shower now." I watched as she walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I sighed and closed my eyes wanting to get this over with. What fun was this night going to be, ay?

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