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Justin Bieber

Tonight was the night I was going to propose to Selena. I was going to purpose to her on the beach, I planned out this whole romantic day just for us. She didn't know a thing. I figured since we have been spending all this time together, we were happy and in love than I would do it. I was nervous, you could tell because I was having trouble breathing and I felt goose bumps all over my body.

I hired some people to make the beach look romantic for the night and to make sure no one was going to be there. We were going to have dinner, surrounded by rose petals until the twinkling lights and beautiful clear sky. I grabbed the practice rose that I brought, It had a little note to the side which stated the time and where to meet me tonight. I wasn't going to send Selena this rose, this wasn't enough. This was just for practice and I wanted to make it look real.

How I really was going to make sure Selena got the memo, was I hired a florist, who was going to send her at least a dozen of roses with the same exact card as this single rose. My thoughts were inturpted when my cellaphone rang, It came from the bathroom. I dropped the practice rose and walked in, not even bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hello?" My voice croacked.

"Uh, hey Justin I was calling to let you know that I will be home soon." It was Valerie.

Ever since the argument we had last night things have been kind of awkward between us. I mean we spoke but no one ever said anything. We acted like nothing happend, and everything was okay.

"Oh, well I wont be here, when you get back." I could have sworn it was five minutes of silence before she finally spoke.

"Why not?" Usually, I would have been annoyed by this but, this time I wasn't. This time it felt different. It felt as if guilt had washed all over my body, and I didn't like it.

All these months that I have been going behind Valerie's back, with the lies, cheating, fights, tears, drama, everything came back to me. When I was going to purpose to Selena tonight, there would no longer be a Justin and Valerie.

"Just doing something, where are you at?" Making my voice sound like there was nothing going on. When really, I was having a panic attack from all this and soon to come a heart attack.

"About to leave Aria's, coming home to pack for the tour."

Yeah, the one you're not going on though.

"Um, okay listen when I get home later we have to talk about something" I sighed a big breath out, I was trying to breath as much as possible but, it was hard. It felt as if there wasn't enough air.

"About?" She seemed worried about it.

"Look Valerie, stop asking questions...and chill we will talk when I get home." And that's all I said before hanging up. I know I shouldn't act like such an asshole after what I am going to do tonight, all the shit I put her through, leading her on, making her believe everything was okay between us when really I am seeing someone else.

All leading to one thing tonight, heartbreak. I never knew what heartbreak felt like. Never been heartbroken, but was in love before and that was with Valerie. She was the first girl that I ever fell in love with. I was going to miss her, but there is nothing I can do now. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom, not wanting to think about it because it was going to stress me out even more.

I walked into my bedroom closet and pulled out the black tux, with the black box inside the pockets. Valerie never found out about it cause we didn't share closets. There I go again, Valerie... on my mind. I ignored the feeling I had in the pit of my stomach and began getting dressed. I took a shower an hour ago so I was fresh and clean. I also blow dried and brushed my short hair properly so it looked nice. After I put on my pants and shirt, I put my tie around my neck and grabbed my jacket part of the tux and put it on.

I smiled at myself in the mirror. I looked sexy. Even I would want to fuck myself. I grabbed the nicest shoes I brought, and walked with them in my hand when I walked out of my closet. I shut off the lights and closed the door. After I put on my shoes, I got up from the bed I was sitting on. "Let's do this." I said to myself and walked out the bedroom door.

Completley forgetting about the single rose on my bed that I was going to throw out. Oops, my mistake.

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