Chapter 25

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Jeremy and I had been dating for about a month and a half when I finally got him together with Jen and Zac for a double date. Jen had been dying to meet him, and Zac was insisting on it too; more than likely to check out the competition on his brothers behalf.
My relationship with Jeremy was completely different than my relationship with Taylor. Jeremy hadn't lived through my past, only pieces that I had told him. I couldn't say I loved him, because I didn't know if I could truly love anyone other than Taylor. Taylor had been emblazoned into my soul and those are some big shoes to fill, but I was definitely infatuated with Jeremy. The way those icy blue eyes sparkled and his whole face crinkled up when he laughed was truly a sight to see. And the pensive way he looked at me when I told him certain details of my past touched my heart in words I cannot even explain; there was no pity in his eyes, only compassion and caring. I felt safe in his arms, something I hadn't felt with anyone other than Taylor. We spent time together nearly every day, which was new to me. My relationship with Taylor was so sporadic, but this was steady and it felt nice.
"You okay?" Jeremy asked me before we walked into the restaurant to meet Jen and Zac. His face showing concern over my nervousness. He knew Zac was my ex's brother. He didn't know the extent of my relationship with Taylor, but he knew enough to know Taylor had meant a great deal to me. He never pressed me for details on it or made me feel ashamed for anything.
I smiled reassuringly at him, "Yes. I'm just worried about how Zac is going to act. It took him a really long time to get over his dislike for me, and I just wish this was over with already."
He chuckled and squeezed my hand, "It'll be fine. Let's go in and get it over with so you can see that."
I smiled and nodded. He released my hand to open the door for me, placing his hand on the small of my back as I led the way to the maitre d'. We were told our party had already arrived and followed him to our table.
I saw Jen and Zac before we reached our table. I smiled at Jen before I noticed the third person sitting at the table with their back to me. I stopped dead in my tracks, causing Jeremy to bump into me and me to bump into a table next to us, knocking a glass of water off the table. The commotion caused everyone to turn and look our way and that's when I saw for sure who that other person had been. His blue eyes met mine as I stared in disbelief.
"Melia? Baby?" Jeremy's voice snapped me out of my momentary trance.
"What? Oh, I'm so sorry," I quickly apologized to the couple at the table I had bumped into. "Please allow me buy you two a desert."
They smiled, and politely declined.
"You sure you're okay?" Jeremy whispered as we finished the trek to our table.
"I don't know now," I said softly.
"You sure know how to make an entrance," Taylor joked when we approached the table.
"Yeah, you know me," I grimaced before turning to Jeremy. "Jer, this is Jen, Zac and Taylor."
Jeremy's eyes met mine and I could see he understood my frozen act a few moments ago.
"Everyone this is Jeremy," I said, avoiding Taylor's eyes. "My boyfriend."
"It's great to meet you all," Jeremy said, shaking their hands graciously. "I've heard so much about you, I feel like I know you all already."
"And yet we know so little about you?" Taylor said snarkily, as we all took our seats.
"So Taylor," I gritted, glaringly catching his eye. "I wasn't expecting to see you, so soon? What brings you to New York?"
"Came to see my brother and soon to be sister in law," he shrugged, taking a swig out of his already ordered glass of what smelled like scotch. "Something wrong with that sweetheart?"
"No," I said. "Just surprised is all. How is Krystal?"
"Peachy," he retorted, taking another drink before leaning forward, his arms on the table. "But we're not here to talk about me, why don't you tell us all about how you two crazy kids met?"
He used the hand that held his drink to point to Jeremy and I. It was then I realized Taylor was a little, possibly quite a bit, intoxicated.
"Well, it's kind of a funny story," Jeremy said smiling at me.
"Is it?" Taylor said. "Is it really? Is it funny ha ha? Or funny ironic? Or funny in a way that's only funny to you two?"
Jeremy looked taken aback by Taylor's little outburst.
"Taylor!" Zac said clearly embarrassed by his brothers behavior. "You promised."
Taylor burst out laughing and leaned back in his chair before taking another drink.
"I'm only messing around," he said. "Yall need to lighten up."
Then he turned back to Jeremy, "We're still waiting to hear your funny story."
"Well I -" Jeremy stammered. Usually he was pretty composed and confident but this evening had caught him entirely off guard.
"I walked into traffic and almost got hit by a car," I cut in, squeezing Jeremy's hand in reassurance and catching his eyes. He smiled back at me.
"And I pulled her out of the way just in time," Jeremy finished not breaking eye contact with me.
Taylor burst out laughing again, louder this time, causing Jeremy and I to turn and look at him.
"You're right!" Taylor guffawed. "That was a hoot! Always the damsel in distress this one! Ha! Ha! Did she tell you how many times she's needed to be rescued in her life? Course back then it was me who was her hero. Talk about a laugh riot!"
My cheeks flushed and I buried my face in my hands.
"That's enough Taylor!" Zac said and pulled him up from his seat. "Come with me."
He pulled Taylor away from the table and they disappeared.
"I am so sorry," Jen said when they were gone. "He just showed up this afternoon and insisted on coming along. He swore he would behave and that he just wanted to say hi. He said he wanted to try and be friends."
I shook my head, "It's not your fault Jen."
"No don't blame yourself," Jeremy agreed. "Besides its probably better we got this over with now instead of this happening at your wedding."
"Oh I didn't realize Amelia was bringing you to the wedding?" Jen asked.
"I was going to ask tonight if it would be okay," I said.
"Well of course it is," she smiled. "And you're absolutely right Jeremy. If Taylor tries to pull this shit at my wedding, I'll kill him."
Jeremy laughed, "He'd be a fool to mess up a bride's day."
"Damn straight," she agreed.
A few minutes later Zac came back without Taylor.
"He's going to go back to our place and sleep this little hissy fit off," Zac explained.
"Good," Jen said. "Maybe we can actually enjoy the rest of this evening."
And we did end up having a really enjoyable evening. Jen had gushed to me in the bathroom that she really liked Jeremy and she could tell Zac did too. We were all still laughing as we headed out of the restaurant. We said our farewells to Jen and Zac as they got into a cab.
"It's a nice night," I said.
"We could walk back to your place?" Jeremy suggested.
"I'd like that," I said, taking his hand and leaning against him.
"Amelia?" I heard behind me. I sighed, knowing who it was before I even turned around.
"What Taylor?" I asked turning to face him.
"Can we talk for a minute?" he asked, his hands were in his pockets and his face looked flushed. "Alone?"
"I don't think so," I said. "I don't really have anything to say to you right now."
"Please?" He begged.
"Maybe you should," Jeremy said. I glanced up at him, surprised.
He smiled at me, "I'm sure he just wants to apologize for earlier."
"You sure?" I asked.
He kissed me softly, "Yep. I'll be right here then we can go back to your place."
I smiled at him and walked over to Taylor.
"Make it quick," I said walking a few feet away from Jeremy.
Taylor followed, "I do want to apologize. I shouldn't have done that."
"No, you shouldn't have," I said folding my arms across my chest.
"It's just - the thought of you being with someone else," he said. "Being happy with someone other than me drives me insane. You're supposed to be with me, not him."
"How is Krystal really doing?" I asked pursing my lips.
"She's doing a lot better," he said glancing down at the pavement. "She doesn't even remember what happened that night, none of it. The last thing she remembers was us leaving Tulsa to head to New York."
"That's probably a good thing," I said.
"But I still remember it," he said, his eyes meeting mine. "I know I should feel guilty choosing to be with you and that's why she was in that accident, but I don't. I'd still make that choice, only I wouldn't have rushed to her side when it happened. I would've stayed with you."
"That's horrible Taylor!" I said.
"Is it?" He asked shaking his head. "More horrible than losing you again? It couldn't possibly be."
"It is," I said. "Because the man I loved wouldn't be so callous about someone he cared about. And I know you cared about her."
"I don't care about her now," he cried. "All I care about is you! Can't you see that?"
I shook my head, "No. All I see is how selfish you've become and I don't like this person at all."
I started to walk away from him but he grabbed my arm and tried to kiss me.
I pushed him away, "No! Go back to Zac's. Sober up. Maybe then you'll realize what you are doing. You think this is going to make me want to be with you?"
"It's because of him, isn't it?" He nodded towards Jeremy. "You think he's better than me?"
"Go home!" I responded and walked away from him, wiping the tears from my eyes.
"Everything okay?" Jeremy asked when I got back over to him.
I nodded, "Yeah just take me home okay?"
"Anything you want," he said, and hugged me to him before hailing a cab.
"You still want me to come up?" He asked when the cab arrived at my apartment building. "Or do you need some time to yourself?"
I smiled at him, "You really are amazing you know that?"
He smirked, "It's a curse."
"I'm serious," I said. "Most guys wouldn't be so cool about, well any of this."
"I think we've already established I'm not like most guys," he said.
"That's for sure," I said, taking his hand as I climbed out of the cab. "Come up."
"You sure?" He asked.
"Of course," I said.

Author's note:

Jeremy is based on Jeremy Renner because well Jeremy Renner is hot as hell lol but he's not entirely Renner because it didn't seem authentic to have her be with two celebs. But if someone were to play Jeremy in this story it would be Renner lol

Also don't give up hope on Amelia and Taylor just yet. No spoilers just saying this story isn't over yet. This story has truly taken me on entirely different journeys with each chapter I write. I sit down with a plan for how I think the story/chapter should go then just let the words flow and I'm usually surprised by how it turns out because it never turns out the way I planned lol but I think it's better that way! Lol anyway enjoy!

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