Chapter 28

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"Are you okay?" I heard Nikki ask as Jeremy helped Ike, Mac, and Walker carry Taylor and escort Krystal out of the room. Zac and Diana had taken Jen to another room because she had pounced on Krystal, who had just laughed after Taylor collapsed.

I had rushed into the bathroom, braced myself on the sink and started bawling. I wasn't sure what I was more upset about, the fact that Krystal had just announced some of the most awful and embarrassing moments of my past, the fact that Taylor had told her all of those things about me, the fact that Taylor had married her, or the fact that Taylor was married at all. Maybe it was all of the above.
"I don't know," I managed to answer, trying to catch my breath. She put her hand on my back to try and soothe me.
"She's just jealous of you," she said softly.
"What's to be jealous of?" I asked, looking up at her. "You heard what she said. It's all true. I'm not worth being jealous of."
"She's jealous of how Tay feels about you," she said. "None of that other stuff matters. That's not who you are. Those are just things that've happened to you. You rose above all of that and look at where you are now. And Taylor is still crazy about you."
"Then why did he marry her?"
"I don't know," she said. "But I'm guessing he was trying to get over you."
"Looks like he succeeded," I said. "He didn't even try and stop her."
"I know," she said. "And I'm not defending him, but I don't think he even realized what was going on. He was very wasted."
"Or he really doesn't care anymore," I sighed. "She was probably right, I was just a charity case for him."
"I doubt that," she said. "I haven't known you very long but I've known Taylor for a few years now and trust me, you were never just charity to him. He loved - he loves you very much. Like I said, I'm not defending him because he definitely doesn't deserve it after this stunt, but none of what she said about how his family or how Jen's family feels about you is true. We all think you're truly wonderful."
I smiled, "Thanks Nikki. Ike is lucky to have you."
"And he better not forget it either," she joked.
I laughed and hugged her.
"Now let's get you cleaned up so we can go check on Jen?" she suggested.
I nodded and began washing my face which was now smeared with make up and tears.
There was a knock on the bathroom door before it opened slightly and Jeremy popped his head through it.
"Amelia?" he asked, trying not to look. "You in here?"
"Yeah," I said.
"Is it safe for me to come in?" he asked.
I laughed softly and told him it was.
"I'll go check on Jen," Nikki said. "And tell her you'll be along shortly?"
I nodded, "Thank you again."
She smiled at me then at Jeremy as they crossed paths at the door.
"How you holding up?" he asked coming over to me and putting his arms around me.
"Alright, I suppose," I said. "I really wasn't planning on being verbally attacked over my past tonight. I would've worn waterproof makeup.
He chuckled and squeezed me a little tighter.
"And what about the other stuff?" he asked pulling back to study my face.
"Other stuff?" I asked.
"Taylor being married?"
"I'm not going to lie," i sighed. "I am not happy about it. He deserves someone much better than her."
"I agree with you on that," he said. "But I don't necessarily mean because he's married to her."
"You mean cuz he's married in general?"
He nodded.
"I don't know how I feel about it," I half lied. "I want to be happy for him, but I can't because it's her. She is a horrible person and he doesn't deserve someone like that. I always pictured him with someone sweet, someone kind, someone whom everyone would love, someone who truly cared about him, and someone who would make him happy."
"Someone like you?" he asked.
"What?" I asked, caught off guard by his question.
"He deserves someone like you," he said, and hugged me again. "You're all of those things and then some. If he could find someone who was like you he'd be all set. I'm not ready to give you up quite yet though so it'll have to be someone else."
I chuckled as he rubbed my back.
"I'm sorry that she was so awful to you," he said pulling back to face me again. "And I'm sorry that he let her talk to you that way. But I'm even sorrier I didn't stop her sooner, I guess I just couldn't believe -"
I silenced him with a kiss, I truly was grateful to have him.
"Let's go check on Jen," I said. "Then can we please go home?"
He nodded, "I thought you'd never ask."
We made our way out of the bathroom and saw the banquet room was pretty much clearer out.
Diana and Jen's mom were trying to clean up some of the mess that had been made during the commotion. And Jen's dad was talking to the concierge, taking care of the payment and probably apologizing for the complete clusterfuck that was the evening.
We found Jen in an adjoining banquet room that was empty, aside from her, Zac, Nikki and Ike.
"How you doing JennyBear?" I asked walking over to my best friend.
"I still want to kill her," she said hugging me tightly.
"Me too," I laughed. "But like I said you're classy as fuck -"
"No," she said pulling back. "You're classy as fuck - there is no way I would've stood there while she said all those things about me the way you did. You saw me jump on her ass, and I would've taken her too if Zac hadn't pulled me off."
"And any other day I wouldn't have, dear," Zac said rolling his eyes. "But no black eyes for the wedding photos tomorrow."
"I know," she laughed and turned back to me. "She won't be at the wedding tomorrow. It's debatable on whether Taylor will be. Zac is going to talk to him when he wakes up. Walker and Ike took him to the hotel room Mac is sleeping in, and they made Krystal find her own place to stay."
"Good," I said.
"Other than that and my rehearsal dinner getting ruined, I'm fabulous!"
I laughed, "That's my girl! You're getting married tomorrow. To Zac Hanson, no less. What would your 16 year old self say now?"
She giggled, "Probably holy fuck!"
I laughed and hugged her again before telling her we were heading home.
"I'll be back first thing in the morning," I told her. "And I promise I won't be late!"
"Better not be," she said. "You think I'm bridezilla today? Wait til you see me tomorrow!"
I laughed, "I can only imagine."
We said our goodbyes before heading outside to catch a cab home.

Stepping out of the hotel lobby to the street, we saw Krystal standing near the edge of the sidewalk smoking a cigarette.
"Oh great," I muttered.
"Well, well, well," she said flicking her cigarette and walking over to us. "Looky who it is."
"Haven't you done enough damage for one evening?" Jeremy asked her rolling his eyes as he hailed a cab.
"One can never do enough damage," she replied. "Just ask daddy's little princess over there."
"You have no idea what I've been through," I said trying to remain calm.
"Taylor's told me enough," she said. "And I can tell just by looking at you. Anything that happened to you, happened because you wanted it to."
"I was a child!" I cried. "I don't care what Taylor told you, you don't know shit!"
"Come on Melia," Jeremy said, directing myself toward the cab that just pulled up. "You really don't have to explain yourself to anyone, least of all her."
Krystal just laughed in response as I climbed into the cab.
"You're a very sad person, Krystal," Jeremy said before climbing in behind me. "And when Taylor sobers up and realizes it, you're going to be a very lonely person as well."
Krystal stopped laughing, "Yeah well, what do you know."
She then turned on her heel and huffed off in the opposite direction.

"You okay?" Jeremy asked after we got home. "You've been really quiet ever since we got in the cab?"
"I'm okay," I said. "Just exhausted."
"Well let's get ready for bed," he said, pulling me to him. "After tonight I think a good nights sleep will do you good."
I leaned into him and sobbed, "I'm never going to escape my past."
"You already have," he said, rubbing my back. "Krystal is a miserable bitch, don't worry about her."
I nodded, took a deep breath, and dried my eyes.
"I know," I said, pulling back to face him. "I just can't help but thinking -"
"Well stop," he said, with a small smile. "No thinking is allowed tonight."
He kissed my lips softly, "The only thing you're allowed to do tonight is sleep."
"Is that an order?" I laughed.
"Yep," he grinned. "Now go get ready for bed. I'll lock up and shut off the lights."
"Yes, sir," I giggled and headed into the bedroom.

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