Chapter 10

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By the time Hanson's summer tour rolled around, I was still living with Jen's family. They got me enrolled in school and seemed genuinely happy to have me staying there. Her family had connections and it didn't even seem to be a problem that I didn't have my birth certificate or previous school records.
For my 17th birthday, Jen and I were going to a Hanson concert. Her parents had gotten us front row tickets. I had never been so excited and so nervous at the same time. Would he recognize me? Would he be happy to see me? Would he even remember me? Sure, it had only been five months since he dropped me off at that airport, but we hadn't spoken since that night. I had sent him a postcard not long after I got to New York but all I wrote on it was the last thing he had said to me "What's meant to be will always find a way."
I had just wanted him to know I was okay. I didn't sign it and I had picked up the postcard on my layover in Tennessee. I took as much precautions as possible, even having Jen drive me to New Jersey to mail it so the post mark didn't read New York. She didn't understand but didn't question it either.
When we took our seats I couldn't believe how close to the stage we were. We were right by Taylor's keyboard too. He would definitely see me. My heart was racing as the show started and they came out and started to perform.
His hair was shorter now which I knew from pictures, but it was still Tay. Those eyes and that smile. And oh how I wanted to run up into those arms and feel him kiss me again and tell me everything was going to be okay.
They played a few songs and were in the middle of one where Taylor was bouncing around on stage with tambourine in hand and singing when his gaze met mine. He stopped suddenly and smiled brightly and I could see in his eyes he hadn't forgotten me.
"You're here?" he mouthed while Zac sung his part. I nodded. He made a small gesture indicating I needed to go get backstage.
"How?" I mouthed back.
"Just go," he mouthed back and smiled before singing again.
"What was that about?" Jen asked, looking at me curiously.
"I guess he wants me to go backstage," I said.
Her jaw dropped, "How is this even possible?"
"I'll explain later," I said, looking around nervously. "Just come on."
"You're taking me with you?" she asked surprised again.
"Of course," I said. "I owe you a lot."
We made our way around to the backstage area.
"Name please?" the security guard asked looking at his list of authorized people allows backstage.
"Amelia Lincoln," I said. "But I doubt I'm on that list."
He chuckled and asked for my ID, which I showed him.
"Your name has been on every list in every city," he said as he handed me my ID back along with two passes identifying we were allowed backstage. "We were starting to think Taylor had made you up."
Jen looked at me confused again as he let us through and directed us where to go, "Wait, you know them?"
"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you before," I said. "I promise I'll explain everything later, for now you're about to meet Zac Hanson so just enjoy it."
"Oh my god," she said, taking in what I had just told her.
"Amelia!" Taylor cried as he joined us backstage. Zac behind him. Taylor scooped me up in a bear hug and kissed me. "I'm so glad you are okay! I was so worried."
"It was a little risky you putting me on the list like that," I scolded, when he put me down.
"No one has access to that list but us and security," he said. "And they don't question it, besides your name was never released."
"I missed you so much," I said, running my fingers through his hair. "I haven't stopped thinking about you since I left."
"Ask my brothers," Taylor smiled. "I haven't shut up about you since you left."
"Yeah, all the time," Zac groaned.
"Wait, this is the boyfriend you can't be with?" Jen asked.
"Boyfriend?" Taylor looked at me with a curious smirk on his face.
"I didn't know what else to call you," I blushed.
"Boyfriend works for me," he said and kissed me. "Now are you gonna introduce us to your friend?"
"Oh right, sorry," I said and introduced them to Jen, telling them how we met on the plane and how her parents let me stay with them.
"I'm so glad things have gotten better for you," Taylor said as Zac went up to do his solo and Ike came back.
"Oh my god!" Ike said and hugged me. "Amelia it's good to see you."
"This is too surreal," Jen laughed.
"So no more troubles than?" Ike asked me.
I shook my head, "I haven't heard anything. I guess I got far enough away."
"Good," he said, then lowered his voice. "They never figured out what happened that night. They asked us if we had heard from you and we never heard anything from them again. Detective Franklin sounded relieved you had gotten away."
"She was the only one besides you guys who believed me," I said.
"She made the case disappear pretty quickly," Taylor said.
"You're that girl," Jen said, as it dawned on her. "You're that runaway!"
"Shh," I said, nodding. "I am."
"But how could you -" she said, lowering her voice. "You just let me ramble on about what a horrible person you were! Why didn't you tell me to shut up?"
"You didn't know," I laughed. "Besides I couldn't tell you until I knew for sure I could trust you."
"So what all happened?" she asked.
"I'll fill you in on the gory details later," I said and turned back to Taylor. "How long are you in town for?"
"We have another show tomorrow night," Taylor said. "Then we're off to Canada, then going overseas."
"At least I have you for tonight then," I said and put my arms around his neck.
He kissed me just as Zac was coming back, "You're up Tay."
Taylor nodded and I released him so he could go do his solo.
"He really hasn't shut up about you," Zac said before he started talking to Jen.
I stood there with Ike watching Taylor's solo.
"He missed you a lot," Ike said after a minute.
"I missed him too," I said. "You guys really aren't in any trouble over what happened?"
He nodded, "We're good. No one even suspected us. They came to question us to see if you had contacted Taylor. My mom knew we had snuck out that night but she told them we were home all night. She'll be glad to know you're okay. Taylor had to tell her what happened."
I nodded, "Your mom was so kind to me. I'm glad nothing bad happened to you guys. That would've ate me up inside."
"We're glad you were able to get away," Ike said. "You seem to have made a better life for yourself now."
"Thanks to you guys," I said. "For giving me that chance to start over."
He smiled, "I know he's not going to be able to tell you this but you know you're not going to be able to come back to Oklahoma for a long time? The case may not be top priority but it hasn't closed. They think you're the one who hit Mitch in the head."
"I figured," I sighed. "It's okay. I don't need to go back there."
"Amelia," he said. "Taylor's going to do something crazy. He's going to ask you to marry him. He's already talked to me about it. I've tried telling him to hold off, but he doesn't listen to me. I know seeing you again now, he might ask you tonight."
My eyes widened and I didn't know what to say.
"If he does," he said. "Tell him no. I know he loves you and I know you love him but if you can't come back to Oklahoma-"
"Then he might not go back either," I said finishing his train of thought.
"I'm not saying you two shouldn't be together," he said. "Don't get me wrong."
"I understand, Ike," I said. "I don't want to keep him from his family."
"Thank you for understanding," he said, and squeezed my hand.
I nodded but didn't say anything. I just hoped he was wrong and Taylor would wait. I finished watching Taylor's solo and he came back to give me a quick kiss before they headed back on stage.
"Zac wants to hang out after the show!" Jen said excitedly.
"Cool," I smiled. "Guess you'll have to call your parents and tell them we won't be home tonight."
"We're staying out all night?" she asked.
"Unless you wanna bring them back to your parents house?" I asked. "Cuz I only got a short time with Taylor and I'm not wasting it."
"I don't blame you," she said. "But what am I gonna tell them? They're not gonna be happy about us staying out all night with guys, even famous ones."
I shrugged, "I don't know. Tell them were staying at Trina's house."
From the backstage area we watched the rest of the concert. Seeing Taylor perform made me love him that much more.
When the show was over, Jen and I were snuck out the back and onto the bus so we could wait for the guys to sign autographs and take pictures with fans.
"And you tried tellin' me your life wasn't that exciting," Jen laughed as we waited.
That's when I decided to tell her my story.
"Wow," she said after I had finished. "I guess I don't envy you as much as I thought. Taylor literally saved you."
"Yes, I don't know where i would be if it weren't for him," I said.
"I'm so sorry," she said and hugged me. "I had no idea what you had been through, but I'm just glad you were able to find someone to help you. And I'm glad I've been able to help you as well."
I nodded, "I don't know where I'd be without you and your parents either. It's nice to know there are good people in this world."
"So what's Taylor like in bed?" she asked grinning.
I laughed, knowing that was her way of trying to lighten the mood.

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