On purpose (Spinal Cord Injury / Paraplegia - Louis)

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*smut warning*

The music was thumping loudly, sending strong vibrations trough Harry's body, even after backing farther away from the crowd of sweaty bodies.
He leaned on the wall, closing his eyes for a moment and sighing at the failed attempt to ease some pressure from his tired aching feet.

"Ouch! Hey watch out where you step!" He groaned as he felt someone step on his left foot toes. However, he was confused as he couldn't find the culprit as he opened his eyes.

"Oops! Sorry. My bad" A voice apologized.

Harry looked down at the direction where the voice came from and found a guy with soft messy light brown hair staring back up at him from his wheelchair.

"Oh. Hi. No worries" Harry replied waving his hand dismissively and straightening himself up.

"Sorry. I must say it is quite a task to wheel around here. Would you maybe accept a drink as sincere apology for the damage my wheel caused your poor innocent toes?" The man grinned at him in fake innocence.

"Sure, why not? I'm Harry" Harry chuckled amused at the guy's humour.

"Louis" The guy winked before rolling away in the direction of the bar. "Follow me. I'll clear the path" Louis smiled looking over his shoulder to make sure Harry was following as he lightly bumped on the crowd's ankles with the footrest of his chair making them jump away quickly.

"I would say you manage to make your way around the crowd much better than most people here" Harry laughed as they arrived at the bar.

"What can I say. It's all about the confidence, love" Louis grinned, making crinkles appear by his eyes.

"Sure it's not about this surely painful footrest bumping everyone's ankles?" Harry asked shaking his head amusedly.

"Nope" He denied. "Zayn! Hey! Couple drinks over here, mate!" Louis shouted over the music, waving his hand at the bartender after having propped himself up on one wheel while keeping a steady grip the other one.

"Hey, Lou! In a second" The bartender, Zayn, answered, getting drinks ready and sliding the two cups over the countertop.

Harry and Louis chatted for a while before Louis suggested going back to the dancefloor.

Harry couldn't deny that he was surprised Louis wanted to dance but he followed without hesitation and started 'dancing' or moving around crazily more likely, as he didn't have a clue how to dance.

Louis chuckled amusedly and joined him with the crazy moves for a while, turning his wheelchair and waving his arms to the up eat song.

A few songs later, Louis had pulled Harry to sit on his lap so that they were chest to back and his hands were making their way from Harry's waist to his hips as he nosed his neck playfully.

"Ugh... Should we- umm... Oh... Go somewhere?" Harry struggled to say, turning around to see Louis face. as he could feel his hand grip tighten and teeth against his neck.

"Though you would never ask" Louis breathed out before bitting lightly on Harry's earlobe, making him gasp, and patting the side of his tight to make him stand up.

Once they were squished in an uber beside the bright red wheelchair and heading to Louis'place, things started getting more heated. They had started a heavy make out session as soon as the doors were closed and teeth and tongues clashed and battled for dominance, sounds slipping out of the both of them as they tried, and failed, to be quiet for the sake of the driver.

Louis gasped loudly once he felt a squeeze on his crotch. He looked down and realized that Harry's hand must have trailed up from its previous place on his knee, having not felt it until the touch was deeper.

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