Enough (Cerebral Palsy / Spastic tetraparesia - Harry)

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*smut warning*

Harry had had enough. He was fed up with being treated like a baby. He knew his mum ment well and was only trying to help him, but he couldn't handdle it anymore. He felt stuck in his life and it wasn't solely because of his phisical limitations. Sure they were the reason he needed assistance for most activities of daily living, he knew that, and he was well aware about it but he also knew he needed to get a life of his own. He was 24. Last year he had finished his journalism degree and he had been working since then, writting for a publishing house and as an accesibility consultant for several businesses. He had a job. He had a steady income. He had a gorgeous boyfriend. Yet, he did not have a sense of independency nor an ounce of privacy.

His last bit of patience had crumbled the past night when his mum had, once again, arrived early from work and barged in his room unanounced to 'check on you and kiss you good night' only to find them... Well... Let's say... ocupied...

She had walked in on them a few times already but it was definitely the first time she had found them both with the other down their troaths. It didn't help that they had both been so far gone that, by the time they heard her screech their names and realised the was there, they were both comming hard, Louis hollowing his cheeks as he sucked and Harry turning to the side to spit as he had always had troubble swallowing.

She had rurshed out the room then, ocupying herself with a strong cup of tea until he heard the front door close about 20 minutes after the incident.

Only then she aproached Harry's room, knocking this time and waiting for his reaction before pushing the door open.

"Hey, love... I'm sorry about... Do you need anything?" She apologised quietly as she ran a hand over Harry's curls.

"Ngh" Harry made a negative sound, swatting her hand away and curling further on the pillow.

"Okay, honey... I'm sorry about that" She sighed taking her hand away, seeing that he was mad at her and Louis had already helped him clean up and with his meds.


"Ma' " Harry spoke when he entered the living room the next day after having done his best to ignore her when she helped him get ready for the day.

She turned to him with a sad tight lipped smile, waiting for him to cotinue.

"I want to move out" The computer's voice spoke when Harry reached his mum.

"I- You what?!" She widened his eyes, the cup she was holding smashing on the floor, not gaining any attention from her.

"I want to move out" Harry repeated looking back at her with a serious but hopeful face.

"Harry... Honey. I- I don't think- I-. If it's about yesterday we can figure something out... I get that you need privacy... We can't put a lock on your door in case something happened but I could get you a sign or something, I'll knock and not come in until you say so?" She sugested, slightly saking her head 'no' as she reached for Harry's knee.

"No. It's not only about that" Harry blushed. "I need to move out. I'm 24. I have a job. I'm not a child anymore. I feel stuck here. I need to try and be more independent" The computer spoke as Harry skilfully formed the phrases moving his eyes over the screen.

"I- I know you're not a child... I'm sorry if I made you feel like that. But Harry... You know you need help with-" She argued, taking one of Harry's hands in hers and carefully stretching his cramped fingers.

"Mum. I kow what help I need. I looked it up and I'd qualify to get a caregiver come daily. I'm high up on the waiting list to get a service dog. I have a steady income. I don't want to go too far. But I need to be myself... I think I could do it... Don't you?" He cut her, getting frustrated, his eyes getting glassy by the end.

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