Chapter 7

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The truck drops me off at a place called the Hub. The bag I'm carrying is quite small so I can hide it in my robes. No one would suspect me. I go inside and look for the Abengation crowd. When I look to my left, I see a sea of grey swarming into the door. I join the crowd. When I get inside, I see that the room is basically an auditorium. I settle down for a seat in the bottom. The ceremony begins.

An Abnegation man, probably in his late forties, cames up to the stage.

"Hello, My name is Marcus Eaton." He introduces himself and I take note of his face. It's similar to Tobias Eaton's 16 year old face. He appears very friendly but I can see right through his mask.

"Welcome to the Choosing Ceremony. This is where our 16 year olds..." He continues and gives a long boring speech, which I zone out of.

I come back when he proceeds to call the names. The first is an Erudite boy named Jonathan Ziegler.It goes on and on until.

"Beatrice Prior." My name is called, I still don't understand how David could've put my name on the list. Has he been here before? Oh well. I stand up and go to the bowls and take the knife from the table. I cut into my hand and wince a little. I place my hand over the Dauntless and my blood sizzles on the coals.

Cries of outrage sounds out from the Abnegation. If only they knew that I don't even come from Chicago itself.

I go to the Dauntless, who are cheering and whooping for me. I find an empty seat and settle down. The first step of my mission, which is choose Dauntless, is done.Now, next step is to go through intiation and at the same time, find Tobias Eaton.

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