The talk with Mikage

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The shrine halls began to quite down, and slowly the lights began to turn off one by one. Getting enough courage to slip out your room into Mikages.

"Mikage.." tapping on the door frame, you crouched down to your knees, sliding the door open and slipping in quietly. He seemed to be asleep, but you decided to sit next to him.
"You're probably sleeping.. but I needed to ask you about Tomoe.. who was he before he became your familiar?.. not like I- no, more of like.. um.. I didn't prepare of what I wanted to say.." you scoffed under your breath "I just wanted to know about Tomoe, who he was before now.. I'm curious really.." taking a deep sigh. A moment passed and Mikage moved what seemed to be in his sleep but he wasn't. He rolled over in his futon, and grabbed and put on his glasses before sitting up. You were stunned he was awake this whole time.
"Tomoe was a wild fox whom terrorized and slaughtered many many years ago. He isn't what he was before, not at all. I took him in after finding him near death and upon a curse.."
"A curse?" You whispered cutting him off
"Yes.. he was tainted black, wrapping all over his body, soon enough he would've collapsed and died if I hadn't found him.." he added
"But why?" You said "this curse.."
Mikage took a breath "he fell in love with a human woman.. it's tabo for a Yokia and A human to fall in love.. he made a contract with another and thus the curse was resulted.. she died not long after"
He looked sad when he said that. You stood silent for a moment in honor of the woman.
"I've put a spell to help him forget about the event, to heal the pain and memories will be erased each time the sun rises" he continued "now you know.. is there anything else you would like to know?"
"Who.. am I?" You questioned "I don't remember anything.."
Mikage smiled softly "I knew you were going to ask me that some day, didn't think it would be so soon" he giggled
"I'm not human.. am I?" You whispered looking down at your hands
"No." He replied "you're a yokia.. I know one when I see one, you're a Cat Yokia.. but half human"
"Human?" You questioned looking back at him
"Yes, if you were full Cat Yokia, you would have your ears and a tail.. but you don't.. just the eyes" he replied "I'm sure, one day you'll manifest them on accident, and they'll appear. But don't worry, Tomoe can assist on a transformation spell to help you appear normal again.."
"Oh.." you sighed "okay"
"Yes, is that all?" He questioned
"No.. I must get going.. thank you" you decided to move towards the door and pausing before sitting up. "Actually... Mikage"
"Now what if I married a Yokia? Or a Human.. what would happen?"
"You turn full Yokia if you marry a yokia, or full human of you marry a human.." he answered before rolling over again in his bed.
"Right.. thank you again" you slowly got up and quietly walked out the room. You quickly went to your room seeing your door is open.
"What the?" You whispered "I knew I-" you were stunned looking into your room to find Tomoe beside your futon.
"Tomoe?" You whispered upset, you slide the door closed behind you "what are you doing here?"
"I came to talk to you about something that's been on my mind" he answered
"Can we speak on this tomorrow? It's getting late" you walked passed him and sat down on the ledge on your window.
"If it must.." he replied getting up and walking to the door rather slowly
"Oh god, what is it Tomoe" you said "why are you walking like that?"
He quickly turned around, and walked towards you, leaned over you what felt like seconds, so close you felt his warmth radiating from him. He took a breath into your ear and your eyes widened as a reaction
"What?" You whimpered
"I.. just wanted to say.. do you take interest in me?" His breath ran down your shoulder and neck
".. um" you leaned back to see him, his lip quivered but you couldn't see his eyes, his hair concealed them. "No.." you replied
He stayed silent, looked out the window, and pulled away. "I see.." he said
"Do you?" You questioned "..take interest in me?"
His hair wasn't long enough to cover his cheeks as they blushed
"I see" you smiled softly "I knew that"
"No you didn't.." he replied shaking his head
"So you do then?" You giggled
"I.." tomoe struggled to speak
"You don't have to continue, I'll wait for your answer, but for now, continue on like nothing happened" you smiled tilting your head at him

Tomoe Thoughts 💭

Y/N is definitely a Yokia, her eyes gave it away.. it shouldn't be that hard to tell her I have a mere crush on her..

After leaning in on her
Shit, what am I doing?..
her warmth.. her smile

Tomoe blushed again, nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him. You decided to go to bed, until you heard voices in the hall. You thought "Mikage? ... and Tomoe?" You listened staying one bed
"She has gone to bed.." Tomoe said
"Did you tell her?" Mikage questioned
Your eyes sprung open from that, and you listened closer
"I couldn't.. I think it's too early.." Tomoe replied
"I see, get to bed and let's continue each day brand new, you'll try again another day"
"Yes.." Tomoe replied before a sliding door closed

You closed your eyes again, hearing footsteps come closer to your door. You decided to fake sleep.
The footsteps stopped infront of your door, a moment passed before it slide open. The footsteps grew lighter as it came near you. Soon enough, you felt a pair of lips on your forehead. Stunned you stood ever so still. You thought "who the absolute fuck just kissed me.." the footsteps left and closed the door behind them.
You slowly opened your eyes to see a box with a. Ribbon on it from Tomoe.
"I knew it" you thought
You grabbed the box and opened it, to see a cherry blossom hairpin.
"Hm.. I'll wear it tomorrow.. his face will be priceless" you lightly scoffed at your thought before putting it back to exactly how it was and went to sleep.

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