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"TIME TO PARTYYY" Mikage shouts excitedly rubbing his hands together as he looks over his Sake selections "joining?.. Tomoe?" He asks
Tomoe looks over to you for approval, you shrug signing him to get you one as well. You look off as the sun sets giving the sky a beautiful swirl of Orange, Purple and Pink. Birds chirping in a new toy tree, the leafs of the trees rustle and the gentle wind blew by. Staring into the sky feeling free. No thought in comes to mind. Feeling a warm hand on your shoulder.
You smile a familiar smile.
Without looking at whom it might be.

"Isn't the sky beautiful" you say softly
"It is" Tomoe replies "the drink you ordered" giving you the sake and sitting next to you.
"Thank you." You reply taking a sip

You both sit in near silence as you listen and watch nature be itself. Soon enough the sun sets, the birds stopped chirping, crickets began, the stars shined and glisten. Tomoe took his hand amd raised it against your cheek, facing you towards him.
His face flushed pink, clearly drunk, but you didn't see that. You saw beauty, handsomeness, his eyes began to water. His warm hand pulled away from your face.

"This.. this is for- forever with you" he said stuttering, he clears his throat and continued "for eternity, ever lasting love" he reaches for your hand flipping it over palm up. Placing something tiny.
Without looking your eyes slowly grew wider.
You thought "ain't no way it's what I think it is."
You slowly looked down. A box. A wooden ever so small glossed box, the moons glow complimented the box's shine.
You looked up at Tomoe.

"Will you be mine, forever?" As he opened the box show casing a beautiful tear drop ring.

You began to cry, tear drops stained your kimono.
"Yes" you replied weepingly "yes"
Tomoe pulled you into a tight hug.

Forward Flash ✨

2 years Later



"Fuck.." Tomoe moaned
"Harder" pulling Tomoe closer as you bit into his shoulder
Tomoe slams into you, thrusting as hard as he physically do.
"You aren't.. *moan* going to be able to walk after this" tomoe struggled to say
"I'll manage" you reply licking up neck clawing at his back
He pulls away and lifts a leg up, kneeling, your pinned downed by one of his legs and your leg over his shoulder, his hands gripped your hips as he violently slams into you.
You both moan like crazy, like crazed animals.
No need to worry, Mikage and the others have left for a Gods Meeting.

"Where do you want it?" Tomoe leans down and whispers in your ear
"Where ever you want" you reply licking the side of his face.
"Oh yeah?" His thrusts became to shake, you knew he was close
"I'm- comi-ng" he stutters
Digging his cock so deep into your uterus and fills you up.
You wrap your legs around him not letting a single drop go to waste.

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