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He hugged you tightly. He sobbed some more.
"What a relief. We should celebrate" he says
"Celebrate?" You questioned
"New love. New beginnings" he replies, all smiles
You wipes off his left over tears, wetting your hands in the running water and wipe his face clean. You fix his eyebrows.
"Yes we should"

You both finish your shower together, helping eachother bath. Both of you had matching robes, crisp white with your initials stitched in the bottom.

Before leaving, you froze.
Tomoe turns confused "what?"
"Mikage knows? Doesn't he?" You looked worried as if what you and Tomoe had was a complete sin

"He only knows that I have feelings for you.. and I would pursue you as long as he accepts." He replies softly
"Accepts?" You asked "me?"
"Yes. Through the many decades, I've been here serving him.. he asked and persuaded me to find and create my own family. Find My person." He slaps his hands on his sides "I found you. And I don't want anyone else."
He seemed to tear up again
You didn't reply to what he said but carried on
"You're a real crybaby behind all that "Wild" fox claims " you giggle walking passed him, hand on doorknob lookin back at him and softly smiling "let's go"
He follows behind closely, back into your room.
Tomoe closes the door behind him.

"Well, what should we do now?" You muttered
"Now?" Tomoe leans into the shelves for fresh kimonos, coincidentally picking matching ones.
"Yes.. now" you blush at his selection of clothing for you.
"We tell Mikage.. or I.. which ever you prefer." Tomoe drops his robe, and slips on his kimono.
"Right.. Mikage.." you shyly say to yourself
Dropping your robe also, and getting dressed.
Tomoe helped you finish getting dressed, blow drying your hair and combing it out. You did the same with Tomoe. He rubbed non greasy fast absorbing ointment on your feet and knees knowing you like to walk around absolutely barefoot. You blushed and smiled at his actions.

You thought "I do love him... love him dearly"

"Now then, shall we go?" He leans back over holding his hand out
You grab it gently, him gripping it and pulling you onto your feet.
"Yes" you nervously smiled

You followed him closely behind as he lead you to Mikage. Hands interlocked her seemed excited to tell Mikage of his new found love. His steps sound upbeat. You were too nervous to know exactly what to say, how to feel. Before you even knew it. You were kneeled infront of him, Tomoe by your side. Hand on your thigh.

"Mikage" Tomoe spike breaking your train of thoughts
Mikage looks at Tomoe, pleased and calm
Happy as usual.
"No need for anymore speaking, Tomoe.. I know, Congratulation on finding love" Mikage takes a deep breath, as if relieved and at peace.
"Oh how I've been waiting for this day to come, we must celebrate, yes"
Tomoe looks happy, so does Mikage. But you aren't satisfied with that yet.

You broke their excitement. It became silent.

"Did you set this up, Lord Mikage?"

"Y/N?!" Tomoe aggressively whispered
You side eyed him, seeing his expression turn from anger, to confusion, then realization. You continued
"The infamous... match making Lord Mikage.. have you, set this up?"
Tomoe gripped your thigh tighter, forcing you to move his hand into yours. You thought "if he did, that doesn't change my love for Tomoe. Matter of fact, I thank him.."
Tomoes hand grips your tight. As if he wasn't ready for Mikages answer.

"No. I just simply put you in his path." He says sipping his tea.
"Path?" Tomoe questions "what does that mean?"
You look at Tomoe, his face grew sad "this was on purpose?"
"No. I didn't do anything but out her infront of you. Everything else was you." Mikage nonchalantly said
"So you knew I was in that forest.. and you knew Tomoe-" Mikage cut you off
"I persuaded Tomoe to find love, he did not have success with any women in the decades he served me.. so I intervened and helped. I merely put you in his path and left it at that."
Mikages words didn't help. He barely revealed any information.. yet it did.
"You did nothing but place her infront of me?" Tomoe says almost relieved
"Yes. That was it. I didn't use anything on you nor Y/N" Mikage reassured Tomoe
Tomoes grip lossened, gently holding your hand and rubbing his thumb on your hand
"I see" you replied "thank you"
"For?" Mikage asked "no need to thank me, I'm just happy your happy"

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