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Waking up, Tomoe wasn't in bed with you.
Hearing pots and pans im the kitchen.
Getting up from bed, you got dressed and left to Find Tomoe.

"Y/N!" Tomoe Yelled
"Yes?" You rolled your eyes and continued to walk to where he yelled from
Seeing Mikage In the kitchen struggling.
Tomoe in the common area.

A mess.

"Okay? Wow." You said stunned in the doorway
"Please tell me these kids aren't going to stay here forever?!" He shouted
"Um.. as long as I'm here.. they are" you started to pick up the mess they made
"They should be cleaning this up!" Tomoe rubbed his forehead
"Oh shut up, they're kids. Kids are kids. They'll make a mess if they please. I'll go talk to them later." You huffed "go help Mikage" you sent off Tomoe.
"Fine.." he stormed passed you, and as he was about to completely pass, you grazed your hand over his manhood Area completely freezing the man in place.
You giggled.
"Not funny, you'll pay" he whispered
"Oh, are you sure?" You said pulling him down to your level "we'll see about that"
Tomoes face blushed a cute rose tone, you left go of him and patted his butt. "Go on, help him"
He huffed and walked to help Mikage in the kitchen.

"Now here are these two?" You thought
You wondered into the spare rooms, nothing.
Front area? No.
Lastly you checked the backyard, they were practically goofily training by them selfs.

You decided to join. Not knowing of you can do what they can. You mimicked their movement and soon enough, you did.
Fire sparked from your hands, rocks moved, spears of water.
Each minute passed, flashbacks flashed before you, of when you used to do these in war with Tomoe. He looked different, his smile was eerie. But that Tomoe wasn't this Tomoe you know now. He fell in love with you after all.
The boys saw you, and ran to you.

"Y/N!!!" They both said
"Hello" you cheerfully said
"I missed when we did before our battles" Kid 1 Said
"For months on end!" Kid 2 said tugging on you

You thought "these boys don't have a real childhood. They were born for exactly that.. war.. fighting.. assassins."
"Hey, why not enroll you in school?! You'll get to have a normal life amongst the humans." You said lowly
They both looked at eachother, stepped back and started to whisper to eachother in their ears.
"It's not that bad!" You said "it'll be fun"
You thought "I don't even know if it's that fun.. they'll hate it"
You nervously laughed
"No." Boy 1 said "I think it'll be a waste of time "
"And what if you get into trouble while we're gone?" Boy 2 added
"I doubt I will." You gave an unsure face
"Seee! That's the face!" Boy 2 pointed at you
"Yes I see.." boy 1 rubbed his chin "that's never good"
"This included..-" boy 2 said raising his pointer finger up
"No." They both said
Almost giving up, you said "fine"

"It's too soon anyways, for you to play with the humans." You sighed and went back inside "lunch will be ready soon"

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