Shrine Spirits

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"Hello" a female voice vaguely echoed in your left ear
You looked calmly, but nothing was there
"Welcome to Mikage Shrine, lady Y/N" a male voice echoed in your right ear, confused you just looked down, as they seemed friendly.
"I'm Onikiri-" she said "and I'm Kotetsu!" He finished cheerfully, both popping out of thin air beside you and sitting down swaying their feet.
"Oh hello" you said softly not bothered by them at all.
"Is everything okay?" Onikiri said sympathetically
"Yes, everything is fine.. just.." you looked up into the sky "who is that Tomoe?" You questioned
"Tomoe is a faithful and loyal familiar to Mikage, tomoe was a wild fox before serving Mikage.. it's been decades now" Kotetsu replied
"I see, wild fox you say?" You answered back placing your hands behind you and leaning back facing the sun "very wild indeed" you continued
"Ah yes, Tomoe has a history.. but I shall advise you to ask Mikage yourself on the matter" Onikiri added
"Myself? Mikage.. no, no need.. I trust you.." you leaned back sitting up "how about you tell me what was going on before I came.."

Kotetsu and Onikiri went on and on about Mikage and Tomoe. How Tomoe came to be, a tiny bit of his past.. the missions they went on, dangers that may occur and more. You sat there and listened to every detail, every word, and absorbed everything in, grasping everything and keeping it very close. You're a new member of the shrine anyways, might as well keep up with the news. Suddenly a Blue Butterfly flew passed your shoulder and landed on your hairline, just above the center of your forehead.

"How sweet" you softly said lifting a finger to the butterfly, it then climbed onto your finger and you slowly lowered your hand, cupping it into both hands.

"That must be Mikage checkin up on us" Kotetsu softly said
You simply smiled raising your hands eye level with the butterfly "I'm okay now, you can go" you whispered lightly blowing at the butterfly, it then flies away after circling around your head.
"His avatar is a butterfly, all gods have one" Onikiri added
"I see, that's adorable" you said

You three sat until Mikage and Tomoe came back.
Just before you decided to call it quits and move inside, a male voice called to you just as you were about to enter the shrine, you turned around rather quickly not knowing who it might be. Your hair flew off your shoulder, dramatically draping your back, you seen Mikage and Tomoe walking up.

Tomoe POV at the moment.

She turned around stunned after Mikage called out to her. The sun complimented her hair.. and eyes.. feeling hot to the face, I had no option but to turn and look to the other way.

Tomoe quickly looked off to the trees, but you paid no mind, you quickly ran to Mikage and helped taking the remaining bags off his hands.
"Oh thank you Y/N" he said
"It's nothing" you quickly went inside and set the bags onto the kitchen floor, leaning down on your knees and grabbing each item and placing them onto the counter. Tomoe walks in and joins you.
Nothing but bags rustling and items hitting the counter as you both place them. After each movement, both of you casually compete to whom can place and finish putting away the items the fastest. Finishing as a tie, you both lean in inches away from each others face, huffing angrily .. Tomoes face seemed to ease up staring into your eyes and lips. You noticed and quickly leaned back stepping away, shyly and nervously swiping some hair behind your ears, Tomoe still in a daze after carefully analyzing your face for those few seconds. He stared at you and you quickly grabbed all the laying bags into a bunch "Um.. I.. you.." you stuttered shoving the bunched up bags into his arms, you snapped him out of the daze and you stepped back, he slowly got up, inching and growing towering over you. You realized he was a wild fox, and you turned around and walked out, to your room.

Tomoe POV at the moment.

She is gorgeous as ever.. I.. shouldn't.. I must know more.. not now

You swiftly closed your room door and sat on your futon and stared to the floor.. "he couldn't.. I'm a mere stranger.." you thought
A knock on the door grabbed your focus
"Yes?" You answered
The door slide opened quietly, Tomoe stepped into your room looking discouraged and looking down.
"It won't happen again.." he said softly
You grew confused.. "I don't think it was intentional anyways" you replied "if you wanted to get into my face and daydream, you honestly could've said so"
Tomoe huffed stepping back out the room "lunch will be ready soon" just as he was closing the door, you interrupted him
"I'm not hungry.." you said softly
"I'll let Mikage know" and swiftly in the same manner closed your door, leaving you in silence in your room.
You looked around for answers, but nothing.. you decided to talk with Mikage after dinner.

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