Chapter 4

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Astus woke up on September the first early, although he did not need to. The rest of the students were not to arrive until dinner time. He took this moment to laze around a bit in his bed. He looked over to see Severus still sleeping and then returned his head to the soft pillow.

He had already adjusted to his new life. He figured he should let the Horocruxes be alone until he finished school. Then he would arrange someone to babysit Severus while he gathered them. He did not know how he was going to destroy them though. Should he try taking the Gryffindor sword or chancing a chat with the Basilisk?

Oh well, he had time to think about that later. What he should worry about was his half-finished Potions homework for the moment.

"Severus, sit still."

The boy squirmed and glared at Astus.

"Won't work on me," the man said. "You are wearing the robes, and that is the end of it."

"Having troubles, Astus?"

He turned around to see Albus smiling at the scene.

"Severus is just acting his age, sir," Astus said and finally managed to get the squirming child still long enough to get the robe on. "I'm afraid he doesn't like his new dressing robe that much."

"New clothes are always a hassle," Albus said as he eased himself down. "Aren't you going to wear robes?"

"Not yet. Not used to wearing them actually. Can't walk around in a robe amongst Muggles," Astus said with a shrug. "Severus, you need to get used to the robe. Wear it tonight for me, please? Tomorrow you can have your normal clothes."

"Blackmailing?" the headmaster said, amused.

"It works!" Astus whined before he could stop himself.

Once he realized he had just whined in front of the headmaster, he quickly blushed. Albus merely laughed.

Many of the students looked curiously over to the teen sitting by the Head Table with a child in his lap. He appeared to be explaining some things to the child who was staring at the roof with big black eyes.

As the first years came in, Astus gently stilled Severus and looked at their faces. He did not recognize anyone but that did not matter much. He listened to the Sorting Hat's song and then McGonagall began calling out names. Just like in the future. He felt the boy snuggle up to him. Not like in the future. He smiled down at Severus who peered up at him with eyes shining with love for his daddy. Definitely not like in the future.

When the last student was sorted, Albus rose up.

"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts!" he said and smiled at them all. "A few things before we tuck into the delicious food. As you all know, the Forbidden Forest is shut off to all students. Do not test fate by walking in there alone. I would also like to remind you that pranking-material is frowned upon; which ones you will find a list with Mr Herber."

So Filch was not working at Hogwarts yet? Mr Herber looked old though, so maybe in a year or two Filch would come. Astus mentally shook himself out of his thoughts and caught the last of what the headmaster said:

"And lastly, we have a student who will begin sixth year, Astus Mentis who is sitting with us at the teacher's table. He does not belong to any house and has his own quarters due to his son Severus. Treat him with respect."

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