Chapter 16

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Astus knew he was vibrating on the spot. He hadn't held Severus for almost half a year. He dearly hoped he still remembered how to hug someone, as he barely hugged anyone beside his son. That it wouldn't be awkward. That Severus had suddenly changed to the point Astus wouldn't recognize him.

He didn't have to worry.

Five minutes later Severus ran through the door, ignoring everything else until he threw his arms around Astus' middle, pushing out the air in his father's lungs and successfully crashing them onto the floor. Abraxas and Lucius both raised a perfect eyebrow at the scene.

"Sever… us… need to… breathe…"

Severus lightened the pressure a bit and Astus could inhale a sweet breath.

"Are you two comfy down there?" Abraxas asked as he leaned down to look at them.

"No," Astus said. "Get a new carpet."

"This one looks nice."

"Not comfy enough. Get a furry one."

"No way."

Severus giggled at their argument and was pulled up by Lucius.

"Let's get your stuff to your room," he said. "Father, be a good host and help your guest up."

"Fine, fine." Abraxas stretched out a hand and helped Astus to a standing position. "Lunch is in a half-hour."

"Got it."

With that their sons walked up the stairs. The blonde man looked over at his friend and saw his tense shoulders had relaxed and Astus' eyes were fixed on Severus.

"He's not going to vanish into thin air," Abraxas commented.

"Shush," Astus replied with.


By the time night had fallen Astus was still listening to Severus' stories, dressing for sleep while the boy was bouncing around on his father's bed. As he took off his shirt, the boy's chatter ceased for a bit as he caught sight of old scars. Astus wasn't really ashamed to show them, he just didn't have much reason to do it.

The man turned around to see Severus watch him. He walked up to the bed and took up the nightshirt.

"Do they hurt?" Severus asked.

"Not anymore," Astus replied. "But once they did."

"Who did that to you?"

"War did this," the man said. "And those who fought in war."


Astus put the shirt on and sat down in front of Severus, smiling a bit. "Don't look like that. I'm fine."

"I know that, it's just… war's stupid."

The man chuckled. "It truly is. And you are going to bed now."

"But I'm not tired."

"But I am, and unless you want to sleep here with me right now, you get to your own bed."

"Fine." Severus hopped down and Astus scooted back so he could lie down. "Dad?"

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