Chapter 15

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Astus woke up to Severus climbing up on his bed. He was used to it and merely raised an arm. Severus dove under it and snuggled in close to his father's sleep-warm body. He watched as Astus' eyes fell close again and his breath deepened as his mind eased back to sleep.

It was only a week until Severus was going to start at Hogwarts and to be honest he was a bit nervous, and sad. Nervous because he hadn't really been around many kids his own age. Sad because then he couldn't do this. He had gotten used to it, curling up beside his father early in the mornings and having the man within arm's reach almost always. The boy wasn't sure how he would react when he no longer could do that.

He burrowed in closer, pressing his cheek to Astus' throat and closed his eyes. He had to get as much out of it as possible until he was going. He knew he had to start getting used to not sleeping in the same bed as his father but it was comfortable, and he felt safe there. He felt so safe with Astus' arm around him, the man's steady heart beat in his ear, the warmth of his skin… Severus didn't want to give that up. Not yet at least.

Astus was asleep again but Severus was used to it. It had taken some time before his father relaxed long enough to let himself fall asleep while his son was still awake. That had changed. Astus was at peace. Severus pulled back a little to watch his father's face.

The face had smoothed out. His almost permanent frown had all but disappeared for the moment. His mouth was not in that hard line. He looked relaxed. Looked very young. People still didn't believe him when he told them his age. The boy moved back in, sighed happily and closed his eyes.

Astus woke up the second time to the feeling of fingertips tracing his face. Over his eyelids, carefully around the mouth, the cheeks, the forehead, the nose and he knew it was Severus. The boy had a habit of doing that. He blinked his eyes open.

Severus settled his arm down as he saw his father was awake, and they looked at each other for a while.

"What time is it?" Astus asked softly.

"Almost nine."

"Why didn't you get up?" Severus was usually up and running around before seven. Crazy brat.

"I didn't want to." Which meant he wanted to stay only because Astus was still asleep.

"Okay. Do you want to do it now?"

"Yes. I'm hungry."

"You should've called a house-elf," the man said as he got up from the bed. "You know Abraxas wouldn't have minded that."

"But now I didn't," the boy said and got up as well.

"You didn't," he agreed. "Shall we go and wake ourselves a pair of Malfoys then?"

Severus' grin told him everything.


Astus tip-toed into Abraxas' room, hearing Severus going into Lucius'. The man in the bed was completely unaware of Astus, and didn't even stir as he came to a stop next to the bed. Astus carefully put one knee on the mattress, leaning over the sleeping man with one arm on each side, his long hair falling down and gently touching Abraxas' skin. One of the blonde's hands twitched. Astus grinned and leaned down even more.

Abraxas' eyes shot up once he felt hot breath against his ear, and flew to the side, toppling over and falling off the bed. Astus laughed.

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