Chapter 22

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Severus got his present for his birthday with him as he left Malfoy manor, but with the strict instruction from his father not to open it until his birthday. That would suck, having it and not being able to open it but he chose not to complain about it. It wouldn't do him any good anyway, just adding fuel to his father's teasing. And Astus really didn't need more material than he already had.

The train ride back to Hogwarts was long and boring, as Lily was with her friends in Gryffindor and he didn't really want to spend time being glared at. So he was in a compartment with his year-mates and tried to read while they spoke of the upcoming term. The others got along easily enough but Severus had always been somewhat of a loner. They didn't taunt him for his friendship with Lily which was a plus. He was after all going to school for another few years, and he hoped to have at least someone to talk to while he was there.

Albus welcomed the students back in the Great Hall, and asked them all to remember the victims of Voldemort's latest raid. It had happened during Christmas, Severus had briefly read about it before both Abraxas and Astus had chosen to chuck the newspaper into the fire. The young teen hadn't dared to complain about it.

The food was good, conversation sparse (it was Slytherin after all) and after that, they were all herded off to bed. Not that Severus complained. He wanted to be well-rested for the start of the classes the next day, and he wanted it to be his birthday quicker so he could open the present Astus sent with him.

At last it was the day, his birthday, but Severus tortured himself through the day and didn't open it until night, right before bed. He had received a few gifts throughout the day, one from Lucius at breakfast, and one from Lily during lunch. His dorm-mates had some candy to him, as a sort of congratulation combined with thank you's, as he had a habit to help them with potions.

It was a pendant. He had a few of those, as necklaces and pendants were the only jewellery Severus felt comfortable wearing, and he picked it up from the box. The chain was heavy, made to be worn throughout life, and the pendant itself was silver, and imbedded in that, a smouldering black onyx.

Severus grinned. It was the sort of gift his father would give. Something meant to be carried until death. And along with formal robes, this one would make a hell of a good impression.


In early February Lily brought someone with her to the library. Severus glanced at Remus Lupin, up and down, before returning to his homework and greeting Lily.

"He promised to help me out with Transfiguration," she said. "Can't always ask you, you got enough homework on your own without playing teacher to me."

"You can do it pretty fast," he said.

Lupin sat down next to Lily and hesitantly began to speak with her. It wasn't often he was away from Potter and Black so Severus wondered if they were going to show up. And what they would call him if they saw their friend sit at the same table. Wouldn't end pretty, he knew that much.

The two Gryffindors began to speak quietly about their homework and let the Slytherin work in peace, which he appreciated. He even found himself not minding Lupin's company that much.


Classes and homework took up much of Severus' time but he did spend a lot of free time outdoors. Mostly alone, and mostly sitting by the lake or at the edges of the forest, looking at what few floras there were during the winter.

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