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The mansion tested every fantasy Shelby had seen in the movies, read in every children book, it made her want to change what she dreamt about. Melissa took her on a tour of the mansion, she couldn't go round all the rooms but the library was very impressive.

Melissa said Danita had read half of the books there, Shelby didn't want to imagine how the woman spoke or she might find herself passed out on the floor. Heather went off to do God knew what, Shelby didn't bother looking for her lest she got lost herself and died before they would find her bones rotting away in a room.

Shelby didn't see any other help around which was puzzling, Melissa was a very old woman who counted her steps and spoke very slowly, she laughed like she could fade away any moment.

"Melissa-" Shelby paused not knowing how to continue without being offensive.

"Yes dear?" Melissa looked at Shelby.

"I- hmm- do you-"

"Spit it out already, I don't know you to be one who stutters her way through a conversation."

Shelby chuckled feeling some of the tension ease up. "I was wondering- I haven't seen any other staff here, either there's a secret channel where they move through or you're the only one here."

Melissa nodded her head slowly with a tiny smile. "Yes I am, I've worked here since before Heather was born."

Shelby frowned, "I love this mansion but isn't it too big for you to clean and manage on your own."

"There are people who can be contacted to clean houses now, don't you know?"

Shelby laughed at Melissa's teasing. "Just because I live so far from the real world doesn't mean I forgot how it works."

Melissa grabbed her arm for support as they walked on, she told her stories of Heather when she was young and worse than she was now. Shelby was astounded, she couldn't imagine a young girl with Heather's attitude.

"Did you imagine flinging her through these windows?"

Melissa eyes brightened, "Every single time." She said while they shared a laugh.

Shelby listened to a little history lesson about the house and its occupants but it was mostly about Heather and her mom, Shelby made a mental note to ask Heather about that later.

"Heather was five when my last boy got into high school. I have five boys who loved Heather like she was an extra limb, they used to play together in the pool and run around the garden." Melissa smiled at the memory, "Heather was never mean to my boys, they took her as their little sister and still do. They got involved in so many fights when anyone bothered Heather or made her cry."

Shelby stared at Melissa in disbelief, "Heather cried? I mean she could cry?"

"Contrary to who she is now, Heather was a big cry baby when she was younger. When the boys moved up to different states for college, Heather toughened up, there was no one left to fight her battles for her."

"Why would she need protecting? If Heather was nice as a child which I still find hard to believe, why would anyone pick on her?"

"Her mother is very famous and was never home, her father was never in the picture either. Heather grew up herself, in this big mansion with no one to talk to except me, in this house she was a princess but out there she was just another easy prey."

"I still can't wrap my head around this, Heather was bullied? Is that why she's like this?"

"Unfortunately no, that's not why"
Shelby and Melissa turned to see Heather watching them with her hands tucked into her pocket and a blank look on her face. Shelby didn't know how to feel or what to say so she just watched her.

Melissa said something about dinner then disappeared into the house. Shelby sat still watching the proud and strong woman she loved shuffle her feet. Shelby tapped the spot beside her so Heather would sit.

They sat in silence for hours, each one of them lost in their own thoughts. Shelby didn't expect Heather to share so she sat with her offering her presence till Melissa called them in for dinner.

"I-" Heather cleared her throat when her voice came out hoarse.

"It's okay." Shelby laced their fingers together. "You don't have to share anything with me."

"I want to."


"Because I want to."

Shelby shook her head. "Don't do that, you don't have to tell me anything too personal. We're not an item so it's perfectly fine if we just sit and enjoy the silence."

Heather murmured something under her breath, Shelby noticed for the first time how tired she looked. The flight and everything else must have been taxing for her.

"Why don't we have dinner and go to bed? How's that?"

Heather yawned into her palm, "Sure let's do that"

Hiding the tiny hurt and disappointment burrowing in her heart she walked beside Heather till they got to the dining room, Shelby had only seen the kitchen and other parts of the house so she stared in awe once more at the long table with about fifty chairs that looked like they were made of gold.

Melissa walked into the room with a cart filled with food, refusing Shelby's offer to help set the table with a wave of her hand. Shelby sat down slowly loving how soft the chair was, she waited for Heather to eat before she helped herself.

There was no one to thank for the exquisite dinner so she thanked Heather instead, everything was new and refreshing to the eyes and taste buds, Shelby felt like she had died and gone to heaven after her meal.

"How can something taste so good?" Shelby moaned in delight as they retreated to Heather's room.

"You're making me jealous." Heather wiped her eyes. "I could never make you moan like that."

"I haven't tasted you so I can't tell which one is better."

Heather held a door open and Shelby skipped into the room. "If you open your mouth, I swear I'll shove a cucumber into it." Heather warned.

Shelby clamped her mouth shut taking in the beauty in the simplicity of the room, it had by far the less eye catchy décor and was probably the smallest room she had seen in the mansion but it was still beautiful. The queen sized bed took up most of the space, there was a desk by the side where Heather arranged her files and laptop, there was a huge window opposite the bed where you could get lost in the alluring view of the night.

Shelby noticed the huge flat screen and game box when she turned away from the enchanting view. "How can you have a game box and be bad at playing?"

"Shut up and go to bed." Heather grumbled getting comfortable under the duvet.

Shelby tittered sliding in beside her, she was used to the light sounds of the night but it was very quiet. Heather cuddled into her side yawning into her chest.

"I want to share things with you." Heather said abruptly.

"Why?" Shelby asked getting caught in her tranquil gaze.

"Because I love you." Heather mumbled before she fell asleep.


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