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"Do you have a death wish?!" Bran paced in front of her desk, his face red with anger. "If you don't have one, you definitely have an agenda for me."

Shelby played with a pen, silently watching him spew out all the contents of his anger, if she spoke now it would just make it ten times worse.

She really was going to fire those ranch hands for calling him, cutting his beauti-

"How's Tracy?"

The piercing glare she got as a response made her sink into her chair, forgetting her plan to wait.

"She's fine, I told her to park the car out front, I was too pissed off to drive."

"Hmm. I'm sorry I ruined your day-"

"Would you rather we were graced with the news of your battered body right after I thought I could leave you alone for a couple of hours?"

Shelby forced the anger bubbling within her down, this was no time for tantrums or validation. The bitter truth could only come from him, she didn't need someone to protect her emotions and he was the perfect man for the job.

"I am truly sorry I cut your enjoyable day short and-" fixing him with a pointed look before he blurted out anything. "-tried to kill myself by walking out alone, unattended and half blind to tame a wild horse who no doubt would have flattened me if the situation happened to be dire."

The room was filled with silence for the first time since Bran walked in, Shelby heaved a huge sigh of relief for successfully shutting Bran up; no bad words said.

"That's your cue hun."

Tracy's presence soothed the tension somewhat, Bran grumbled knowing he wouldn't have the chance to yell at Shelby until Tracy was gone, the lioness was just going to protect her cub.

The two women watched Bran stomp off, mostly Tracy since Shelby could just listen to his fading steps. The silence wasn't awkward neither did it have a space that needed to be filled, this was the space Shelby used to enjoy with Bran, now that privilege fell to Tracy.

"I don't know how Bran's stayed alive all these years with all the stunts you pull off."

Shelby snorted. "He's my guardian angel or else he would have died long ago, he's too stubborn to die anyway."

"Don't forget age won't give him much of a choice in the long run."

Shelby welcomed the uncomfortable feeling of her glasses perched on her nose, the clear warm smile stretched on Tracy's lips planted a tiny seed of guilt in her heart.

"I'm sorry for making him worry, I really didn't want him to hear about the incident or cut his only day off short."

"He was scared and still is, all that anger-" Tracy pointed in the direction Bran stomped off to. "-is just pure relief and love. You should have seen him shaking at the restaurant."

They both laughed at Bran's expense, Shelby couldn't imagine a life without Bran in it, he was her rock. He was the only solid thing she had left, there was Tracy now but Bran was different, words never needed to be said between them; they fought a thousand times before a day ended, found different ways to irritate the life out of each other, words couldn't describe what he meant to her.

"Hello there."


"You got lost there for a second. Glad to have you back."

"Yea. I was just thinking about some things, things I didn't let myself think about before."

"Heather?" Tracy asked carefully.

Her name alone still had so much power over her, the delicious shivers running down her spine was proof, you love who you love hmm?

"Honestly it wasn't her, for the first time I wasn't thinking about her. I was thinking of Bran, he won't be here forever."

Wiping her glasses with the hem of her shirt she continued, "I have never thought about it before but it's not something I like to think about, life without him doesn't exist, I can't see it. No matter how hard I try, I can't create an alternate universe without Bran in it."

"Don't worry yourself with things you can't change." Tracy rolled her hair through her fingers. "Enjoy your time with him now, the memories are all that matter, the feelings will remain. Tell him you love him any chance you get."

"Pfft. Never."

Tracy laughed heartily. "That's good, you're not ready to let him go. He'll be fine, just keep being the pain in his ass, there's nothing he would love more."

"Might as well give him a heart attack while I'm at it, maybe he would accept the leave request I laid on his desk years ago."

"I doubt anything would have him consider going for a vacation after today's episode."

Shelby groaned, "It wasn't even anything, he always treats me like a child. I can take care of myself."

Tracy nudged her with her elbow. "He's your guardian angel, it's not as if you give him much of a choice. You're a walking dynamite, anything can cause you to explode."

"That's not fair." Shelby tried hard not to pout.

"I was also worried earlier when the call came in."

"I should fire them." Shelby mumbled.

"They made the right choice, if anything had happened to you-"

"I know. Bran would be heartbroken yada yada."

"I would have been heartbroken." Tracy pinched her cheeks. "Yada yada."

"That hurt." Shelby was grateful her cheeks were red, it would hide the faint pink she knew was there.

"It's way better than Bran screaming your ear off."

"Hear, hear. I wondered how he survived with you." Shelby raised her hands in mock surrender. "I didn't like you then but now, I think you're my favorite."

"Awwwwhh, that doesn't make me feel different about you. You're still a brat."

"Changing my mind now won't be a bad choice. You're mean."

"I'm not your guardian angel so permit my freedom of speech, I'm allowed to bully you."

"Bran won't like that."

"That same Bran you pissed off." A playful wicked grin adorned Tracy's face. "I know exactly what to do with you."

Shelby dashed away before Tracy could grab her.

"Bran!" Shelby yelled as she ran, it didn't matter if he was mad at her, he would save her from the evil witch Queen Tracy.

She had her glasses on so that had to count for some forgiveness.


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