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It was decided. Fiona Geller was a nuisance, she was too good at her job to be normal. Everyone loved her, Shelby drew the line when she made Tracy blush, nuh uh. That woman had an agenda under her sleeves.

Tracy's cheeks were still flaming hot as they stepped into her office. She looked like a school girl with a crush.

"I don't think Bran would like that color on you since he wasn't the one who put it there."

"Oh hush." Tracy giggled, 'what was happening?' "I just didn't expect her to kiss my hand."

"So the new addition to our business is a talented womanizer."

"That would be true if you were falling for my charms."

Shelby didn't need to see her face to know her ever dazzling smile was present, something about her just didn't sit right. "Walking into people's conversations again?"

"You were talking about me." Fiona shrugged, leaning on her door like it was the most natural thing to do.

"It doesn't matter if we're talking about you, don't waltz into people's conversations." Shelby gritted her teeth. What was it about her that just made jump on her defensive side?

"My apologies." Fiona said sincerely, her smile dropping just a little bit.

"Shelby didn't mean it like that, you're such a nice girl, beautiful muscles and great manners."

Shelby dragged Tracy before she could jump Fiona's bones right there, the cocky grin she hated was back, stretching Fiona's lips so wide Shelby rolled her eyes.

"Ogling is all you can do Tracy, think of her as an ornament."

"That's mean."

"Yea, that's mean." Tracy agreed. "This specimen could never be an ornament."

Shelby almost pulled her hair out, was she the only one looking past this bullshit. Everywhere she went there were gooey eyes thrown in Fiona's direction, anyone would think she fed them love potions.

"Looks like I've overstayed." Fiona tapped the door. "I'll be heading out now boss, I just wanted to check in."

Shelby waved her off holding back a hostile response, ignoring how rude she was being to the woman who had done nothing but smile at her Shelby pretended to shuffle some papers till Fiona's walked away.

"You don't look like you like Fiona very much." Tracy was back to normal, blushing cheeks long gone.

"I don't know what it is but it's something Tracy and I don't like it." She was always tense when Fiona was near, always aware of her.

"She looks harmless to me."

Shelby chuckled catching a glimpse of Fiona with some women chatting and laughing. She was anything but harmless, a ticking bomb to be precise and when she blew up, it would be a complete disaster.

Shelby kept Tracy in her office till Bran came searching for his wife, the little make out session she captured had her running out of her office. Their laughter echoed behind her bringing out a tiny smile of her own.

"I almost thought you had a forever resting bitch face."

There goes her tiny happiness. "Maybe I do"

"Nah, I'm sure I caught a tiny smile just now."

"Might have been a figment of your imagination." Shelby walked on not in the mood to talk, her uninvited partner didn't get the hint.

"I'll bet my car I saw you smile. I have eyes and they've been focused on you"

Ignoring the unwanted information, Shelby closed all the windows for a conversation. Fiona walked content with the silence. They double checked every stall, feed some horses treats and turned back as the day darkened.

"Why don't you like me?"

"I don't know." Shelby answered honestly. "It's not you but something about you just doesn't sit right with me. I don't know what it is."

"I know I can be insufferable but my actions are all harmless." Her flexing muscles dimmed the sincerity of the notion.

"Hmm" Not ready for another conversation, Shelby increased her pace, Fiona kept up effortlessly.

"Okay, what is the problem?" Shelby stopped turning to face Fiona. "You don't look dumb so you probably know I really don't want you here."

"It was obvious. I just want to spend a little time with you."

"I don't want to spend time with you Fiona. No offense but I'm not going to swoon just because you walked out of a magazine."

"Ah! So you find me attractive?"

Shelby walked away without Fiona on her trails, she felt her eyes till she slammed the door of her office. Attracted to her? Was this a soap opera? Who the hell did she think she was? Shelby wanted to fire her so bad but her weekly statistics was stunning.

Bran and Tracy were long gone, Shelby didn't torture herself with thoughts of what they were doing. Shouldering her bag as she switched off the lights, she missed the wall standing in front of her door.

"Ow!" Shelby rubbed her head. "What the hell"

"You curse a lot."

"What do you want?" Shelby snipped still nursing her forehead.

"Can I drop you off?"

Shelby stared at her like she had grown two extra heads. "Drop me off?"

"Yea, you know. Like drive you home."

"I can walk."

"Let me w-"

"No" Shelby cut her off before she could finish. "Please no, I don't know what your agenda is Fiona but I don't want to be part of it. Making Tracy flush is great, when it comes to me please turn down that charm."

"I'm just trying to be friendly." Fiona threw her car key into the air a few times and caught it. "I'm sorry if I intruded. I'll be on my way."

The guilt eating at her found a vein, letting out an irritated sigh she called out. "Fiona."

Fiona turned on her heels, her smile stretching a little wider that before.

"I just wanted to say sorry for being rude but I'm still walking home."

Shelby smiled when Fiona's smile dropped. "That is something I haven't seen. I didn't know you had a resting bitch face"

Fiona chuckled. "I don't think I could pull that off even if I tried."

Shelby waved her goodbye gingerly walking to a space free of Fiona's charms. Home.

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