Being a kid is hard

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Recap *******

Fine... you can carry me whenever you want... I think I'm losing some energy...


Were here idiota! Why were here in the

meeting room? You will see... was the only word he said. When we got inside, the Varia is here...... I saw Bel and..........................

" YOU'RE A KID TOO?! " we said in unison..

Ushishishi.. princess.. I thought I'm the only one who turned to be a kid.

Awe.... Miyo-chan is so KAWAII!!! Lussuria came into me and start pinching my cheeks..Brat! Since you are a kid now you will pay from what you did to me. Squalor said evilly. Trash! Get off to my sister... Xanxus-nii said...

Then I quickly hide behind Xanxus-nii...

Xanxus-nii that bastard... I pointed to squalo..... try to do something bad... I said

while pouting.. Everyone in the room sweatdropped...

Let's start the meeting. Tsuna announced.

Then we go to our sit.. I sit beside Kyoya and Mukuro . At my front there are Bel and Lussuria.. But the problem is the table is too high for me and Bel. Psst..... psssst..!! Bel called while the others are continuing to argue about what happened, so the room is noisy...

Psssstt...!!! What?! I whispered, pissed about my height.. Do you bring your PSP? He asked quietly... Of course! Even if I'm an adult I always play with it Everytime I'm bored. I answered. Good! do you want to continue our fight in tekken.... I will beat you this time.. he said with a smirked.

Really? Common let's start, then we go under the table so no one can see.

Omnivore, what you two were doing?

Kyoya asked. Just playing some game.. bringing out my PSP.. wish me Good luck! I whispered....

****-* back to the meeting *-****

The experts said that it will last in two weeks before they come back from being an adult. Tsuna said. What if they don't come back in their real form? Xanxus-nii asked. The only thing we can do is wait and observe what will happen. Yamamoto said.

In this two weeks we are going to take care this brats. We heard that taco head!! I shouted at him. Stop calling me taco head! He was going to me... Where is she? Gokudera asked. Oh no! Bel-chan is not here too. Lussuria said..

I win! I win! I shouted liked a kid but I'm a kid already.. so I just enjoy it...

You cheat Princess! .. Bel shouted. Of course I'm not! I shouted to him once again. He was going to stand but he bumped his head under the table. *** BAM *** The whole table moved OUCH!. He shouted... then I laughed loudly.. hahahahahaha!..... Hn. they are under the table. Kyoya said plainly.

They all looked under the table.. Mi-miyo-Chan and Bel-chan.. Tsuna called concerned.
But I'm still laughing..

Hahahahahahaha! Bel.... laugh..... you.....laugh...... forgot....laugh.. that.....laugh......were....laugh...... staying.. under.... laugh.....the..... laugh.... table.... and I stop and wiped some tears of happiness..

Kufufufu...... All my life I never heard Miyo-chan laugh liked that. Mukuro said in amazement the others agree also. Bel-chan why you two were staying under the table? Squalo asked shouting . First of all, this table is too high for us. He said. Second, your conversation was too noisy ... I explained to them... and the last... were bored... we exclaimed in unison.. but I recorded everything so that we know what was happening... then we got out under the table and dragged Bel at the back of his collar. Let me go! Princess. He complained. No! We need to get some ice for your injured head. You cannot treat me liked this. He whined while I dragged him outside the room.

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