Taco head, get off to my bed!!!

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*We are back in the Base. Everyone is busy with their works and they are also packing their things.










Stupid ex-tutor... I mumbled. I packed my things, because tomorrow we are going to my mansion. And I called some of my staff to prepare everything.

Idiota! Gokudera called. How did you get here inside?! I asked while pointing at him.

The door was not locked. He said plainly. Ah.. okay... So.. What do you want? I asked while I'm busy fixing my things. Then he looks over my room. ( the color of my room is black with white and blue snowflake design, it is full of books about weapons specially bombs. I have also my collections of bombs, guns, and katana. ) Nice room, Idiota. He said while looking at my collection of different kinds of bombs. You can see my full collections tomorrow. I said to him while finishing some works. Really!

You really love bombs, taco head. I said jokingly. He gets my pen. Hey! Stop that, Idiota! He shouted to me concerned.

But I need to finished it, besides I have only three documents. I explained. You need to rest, Idiota! Then he lay on my bed. Taco head! Can you get off to my bed! I shouted at him while I try him to get off. Instead he get off he hugged my pillow and said. I will not get off in this bed if you don't relax.

***** Gokudera's Pov *****

I can't take it anymore! I thought. That Idiota makes me feel concern, she doesn't change since we were kids. Then I headed to her room, I was going to knocked when I saw her room slightly open. I convinced her to rest but she didn't listen, so I lay on her bed. Her bed is so soft... I think I wanna sleep here. I thought to myself. Taco head! Can you get off to my bed! She complained while she tried to get me off from her bed. Instead I get off from her bed I hugged her pillow and stay. I will not get off in this bed if you don't relax. I said to her ..

You know, I will finish this first. Then she started her work again. Her pillow smells fragrant liked her. I thought to myself. I didn't realized I slept in her bed the whole night.

***** Back to Miyo's Pov *****

Finally! I'm finished. Even if it is an paperwork's my body hurts. It is already 10:00 in the evening, I was going to sleep when I saw taco head sleeping at my bed. So he sleep there and he's also hugging my favorite pillow. I thought. I tried to wake him up but he didnt wake up. Good thing my bed is king size, so I slept at the other side of it.

*** Ringgggg!!!! *** my alarm clock alarmed at 5:00 in the morning. When I turn around I saw Taco head sleeping. Is he deaf or something, the alarm is too loud. I thought. Then I went to his place. Taco head.. I whispered.. taco head... I whispered once again. That's it! Taco head! I shouted to him. What! Idiota! He said sleepily. Your sleeping in my bed, too much! It's already 5:00 in the morning. I explained. He gets up from my bed. Why you didn't waked me up, Idiota?! He asked.

For your information, I waked you up but you don't want to get up. I explained to him slowly. After that I push him through the door. So get out of my room because I need to get ready and you need to get your stuff ready. The he leaves my room.

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