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     .....I remember the vibrant smells of aroma in the air, and the wind blowing, enough for me to feel and hear. I felt as if all the weight on my shoulders has been lifted. God, I don't want to leaveaesa...
" Y/n?", "Y/n please answer the following question I just stated to the class."
Who's voice just interrupted me in my peaceful world-
I open my eyes as I flinch from the disturbing sound that woke me up from the daily daydreaming.
Right, I was in the middle of history class, and now the teacher is in front of me. Oh great she was the voice, wasn't she? Probably clapped in my face to wake me up. ugh.

"You won't learn a thing in my class if you keep daydreaming Y/n." She clicks her tongue finally moving away from my desk.
"I'm sorry Mrs. Luther.." I say trying not to sound whiny and annoyed, otherwise, she'll snap back saying I gave too much attitude and will send me to the principal's office... Like what happened last time.
God, I feel everyone's eyes on me with snickering and giggling in the background. In the corner of my eye, I even see my best friend Veronica slapping her face as an expression.

"I'm gonna fail this class at the end of the year..." I whisper under my breath.

"How could you daydream in Mrs. Luther's class?? I mean if I tried my gut wouldn't let me. Your lucky she didn't go off at you like she normally does." Veronica states while we're in the school hall getting our book ready for our next class. I slam my locker closed and rest my head on it. Little does Veronica know right after that class she pulled me aside. Gave me a whole damn speech about how I'll fail her class and do the whole 9th grade all over again.
"Yep, I guess I'm just lucky.." I say still having my head rested on my locker as Veronica listens while knowing she's putting lip gloss on, cause she always does right after history at the lockers. I know why she does this, it's cause she wants to look fresh for math because of this Soc in the period. He's not smart or anything, to be honest, I don't know him but what I do know is that he just hits on every girl. Even with the warning, Veronica won't listen to me. I'm not a soc or a greaser , I wouldn't want to get into that messy war between them though I know there was a recent rumble, and the greater one. I don't know if it's true though, it was just gossip I overheard at lunch.
"Alright let's go, my soc lover boy is waiting for me!"
I give out a groan as she puts her arms around mine, knowing because just like history, It's hard for me to focus in that class, I also clearly suck at math too...

I and Veronica arrive at the door to our math class. Room 16, with Mr. Morello. Though the teacher is nice and everything, the subject is the down part.  All the different types of math and equations just to get a simple answer are overwhelming for me. Like Y/N it's just numbers? Math is easy. That's what everyone says. Veronica does her usual scan of the room to find her soc boy.
"I'm gonna go take my seat alright," I tell her, and she gives me a gentle smile and nods as I leave her side. I take my seat in the back knowing the bell will ring any second. Like I knew it would it's ringing and everyone slowly goes to their seats still chatting though and giggling.

It's only been 30 minutes into the class and I'm trying my best to focus. He's been calling on people for some time. Hopefully, he doesn't call on me, I'm too slow to learn this shit.
"y/n? Could you please answer the question I have written the board just now?" He states.
Someone save me now.
I try to find my words. "uh...." I state as my first word. The question on the board is asking me the formula of the question that we're reviewing. "Area x width?..." I say not so confidently. Again, I feel everyone's eyes on me.
"Close... does anyone else know the correct answer though-?"
"Sir, I would say length x width x height?" I hear a voice coming from in front of the room. Great I knew it would get it wrong, it's probably such an easy question and I just missed something in class, or either that guy is just smart as hell.
"Correct Curtis." Mr. Morello states while going back to the chalkboard ready to talk about another topic. Hm Curtis... I wonder who the hell that smart guy is.

Right when the bell rings everyone grabs their books and paper and heads out of the class. I try to do the same, dashing out of there while also trying to find Veronica.  But of course, I get stopped by Mr. Morello.
"Y/n!" I hear the voice ready to probably give me a talk about how I'm doing in class. I turn straight around and walk to him.
"Hey Mr. Morello, great class today by the way... looking super fresh by the way,hehehe so uh what do you want to ask me?" I say trying to butter him up so he will go easy on me.

"Y/n for the past month I feel like you haven't been really Uhm, trying your best, though I know you can! So I decided that maybe I could sign you up for tutoring sessions!"
I feel my jaw drop, tutoring?? Really? I am trying my best in this class, and just because I answered a question wrong I have to take tutoring sessions I think to myself.

"oh... I'm a pretty busy gal Mr. Morello, so I don't think I'll need any tutoring sessions actually! But I know that I'll focus VERY hard in your class tomorrow and for the rest of the year so I know you will understand-"
I turn myself the other way ready to dash for the door like super sonic. Though I feel a tug on my shirt keeping me from running away. Damn it...
" Y/n I know what your trying to do here, but I'm serious. We really can't risk your grade. So I actually ALREADY signed you up! It's right after school and starts next week so I'm sure you will find time in your "busy" schedule to go." He says very enthusiastically. I cuss under my breath then give him a silent nod showing him ill go.
Why am I doing this?..

Today is the day I go to my first tutoring session. This is my first time so of course, I'm probably overreacting. I told Veronica all about it,
"Good luck girlie." She tells me giving me a wink like hell that's encouraging me.

Right after math class, I make my way to the library walking in quietly knowing how strict the librarian is about how loud it is in there, always wanting it quietly. I search the tables looking for a smart person. Hopefully, my tutor is nice, that's all I've been worrying about. Hopefully, they aren't rude and cocky. As I see only one boy is sitting at the tables, with blonde hair though he doesn't look like a real blonde more like he bleached it, and glowing greenish eyes stuck to the book he's reading but I also see him looking away from it turning to the door like he's looking for someone. He might as well be the tutor. I slowly walk over in front of him.
he looks up from his book, his eyes meeting with mine.
"oh hello" he says. His voice is raspy but gentle at the same time, it's sort of calming...
Oh god y/n it's like I'm paying attention to this guy.
I take a seat awkwardly across from him at the table, ready to pay attention knowing this is gonna be one on one. God why am I so nervous, I'm never nervous, only when I'm afraid of squirrels that one time I went camping...
Shouldn't we start, this tension is killing me.
"So I'm guessing your who I'll be tutoring for some weeks."
"Yep, that's me." I give an awkward grin looking down at the table.
"Ponyboy Curtis." He states.
Curtis? Huh who would've known, that's the smart as hell guy from yesterday. This just proves my point knowing that he is smart as hell and that question was probably just easy.
"Y/n Jones," I reply finding some courage. Maybe this won't be so bad.
"Your name is very original..."
He chuckles, "I get that a lot." while now having his hand behind his neck.
"I sort of like it, it's unique, one of a kind must mean you are too."
Great, I'm just saying stuff that pops into my head every second.

Ponyboy Curtis POV:

"I sort of like it, it's unique, one of a kind, must mean you are too."

I feel my face blush at her words, God am I blushing. I try my best not to give such a big grin, so I put my hand over my mouth just to hide the fact that my face is probably red.

"Thank you," I say making eye contact with her

"Sure, Sure get on with it, let me just get my books and stuff." She says as she starts to rummage through her backpack. I start whistling out of control, from the Mickey Mouse intro that me and two-bit has watched last week.
I flinch from the Liberian shushing me.
"my bad" I whisper. I see Y/n staring at me, locking eye contact. We both start to smile, and chuckle quietly. Her laugh is something you would describe... what's a good word?.. alluring perhaps.

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