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I'm now walking to Ponyboy's house, relying on this crumpled piece of paper with his written address. I feel my heart pounding from inside my chest. This is my first time at a boy's house, let alone I've known for 2 days.
But he was that kind of boy I felt like I could trust.

I guess I was thinking a little too much and now I find myself in front of Ponyboy's house.
Exhale inhale Y/n.
It's not like the boy is a serial killer?
Great now I'm overthinking this.
But he does have the villain arch...
Okay enough Y/n just go knock already you weirdo.

I knock on the door. It's quiet as hell. I could hear crickets that it was that quiet.
A man opens the door. Well, that's not Ponyboy. Oh God did you knock on some random person's door. I mean I can just pretend I'm a Girl Scout.
The door opens fully I see a half-naked man leaning on the door. A towel on his lower part, then shirtless like he took a shower. He's handsome though. Like a movie star handsome... That may seem exaggerated but it's true in my book.


"Enjoying the view miss?"

"oh sorry, I'm looking for Ponyboy Curtis! I'm his science partner. I'm here to work on a project."

His face now shows like he realizes something.

"Oh, so you're the sweet girl."


"Nothing! Come in, he will be in his room."

I show myself in, I'm welcomed to the smell of cigarettes and... Chocolate?
That's nice I guess, two different smells.
I make my way to the stairs, also hearing...
Mickey Mouse? Playing on the T.V...

I chuckle covering my mouth with my hand. Looking back at the memory in the library of his whistling and then getting confronted by the librarian.

I open the door which I assume is Pony's room, and not something I shouldn't see.

I see him sitting in his chair, still not noticing me yet.

He is something by just looking at him.

I look around before saying hi showing that I'm here.
His eyes meet mine.
He gets up out of his chair.
someones enthusiastic.
He has a smile on his face.
You could describe him as a golden retriever.
"Who let you in?" He says now walking forward to me.
"Shucks, did you break in?" he says now inches away from my face.

"What? No! Do I look like I would go that." I reply now teasing and shoving him with my arm pushing him somewhat away.
He gives a sweet chuckle (I'm using the word chuckle so many times istg)

"Some movie star let me in."

He gives me an "oh" face.

"You mean Sodapop, my brother."
Woah. The genetics are really shared then.



I knock my head on the table in despair.
I feel like an idiot..

"Pfft did Jones not listen in class?"
I turn to my side a little to get a view of Ponyboy, he s still looking at the paper for our project we've been working on for maybe 25 minutes. At least he's understanding better than I am.
I'm not understanding a thing sadly.

I look behind just to scan his room, just looking at the sight. I do this a lot, people's rooms can tell a lot about the person, or either that's not true and I'm stupid.

I see the window and a beautiful sight of the sunset through it. I feel myself get up without thought, I feel like I was in awe.

I walk and see from the window the view, not that good but it was decent to see the light dim with the light hitting the roofs of houses in the distance. The sun almost disappeared.

"I don't have a view like this from my house.."
I say at the moment still looking at the sight with my hands on the windows frame.
I turn around to see Ponyboy away from his book,  looking past me enjoying the sight from the seat.

He then gets up and walks to me by my side still having his eyes on the view.

He now looks at me, shit he caught me staring, I try to casually brush it off by looking at the sunset again.
"Didn't know you liked sunsets as much."

"I did look at them a lot, but since I moved I guess I kinda moved on from it." I shrugged.

"Though the sight is still beautiful as I remember."
I say still looking at the sight with him.
I decided to look at him now.

"I adore these sunsets. Really such a sight." He says. Our eyes meet now looking at each other. Though I guess he wasn't expecting eye contact so he moves his head to look at the sunset again. Now almost gone.

"I haven't really told anyone about this, only Johnny and Sodapop.." He says.

Johnny? Oh. I remember that was his best friend I believe. He passed away right? I feel so sorry for some reason. I didn't even know him, though I feel sorry for Ponyboy.
I feel like I want to hug the boy..

"But.. I guess your different."
He says with a pretty smile.
I feel myself smiling back at his words.


I give out while stretching my arms in the chair with Pony by my side.
Of course he heard me,
"Let's wrap this up."
He says now shutting the book closed, after we've been studying and working on the project together.
"You look real tired."
"Well of course I am! I've been studying my ass off.."
"And it's only 6:14."

"6:14 ALREADY?"
I start to get up from my chair, getting my books and paper, and shoving them in my book bag.
"Oh shit Curfew."


I hurriedly grab my book bag and race for the hallway to the stairs. Ponyboy following.
I almost leave without saying goodbye. God where are your manners today Y/N?

"Ponyboy! I'll get you the papers tomorrow, and I can finish the rest in the morning don't worry."
I say to him. Maintaining eye contact with the boy.

An awkward pause is shared in the room.

"Want me to walk you home?"

"Oh no, that's okay. I bet your tired as well anyways." I tell him giving a straight grin.
I turn around and head for the knob to open the door.

"I want to."

I turn around against the door to see him a little closer now.

"A pretty girl shouldn't be walking home alone anyways."
He says a little quieter now, with his hand over his neck scratching it awkwardly.
I feel myself blush, not only from his words but also from how close he has gotten now.

I almost forget to respond.

I say without thinking cause I couldn't handle the tension and with it I also open the door and let myself out slamming the door behind me.

I walk fast outside to the sidewalk.
Still red.

"God Curtis." Whispering under my breath.
As I walk the way home on this eventful night...

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