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We both chuckle after the Liberian shushing him after him whistling. But honestly who decides to whistle in the library of all places?? I stop chuckling and see him staring at me, just having his eyes on me but like he's in another world thinking. He seems to find himself staring and finally turns away.
We start working, which could probably go for hours...
"We're all done for the day!" He says getting up to stretch.
I give an out loud yawn, but not too loud for the Liberian to get mad.
"What time is it Curtis?" I ask him.
He checks his watch "6:39"
shoot I was supposed to get home at 6.
"Let me guess, you got curfew?" he says picking up his bag.
"Yep," I say standing awkwardly, should I say bye first? Or maybe I should just go.
I decide to just turn to head for the door.
"Could I walk you?" I hear a voice belonging to Ponyboy.
"Sure," I say he takes my side and we leave together.
This is pretty quiet, we haven't said a word to each other. Maybe I should say something just to kill the tension.
"So, you don't look like a real blonde... Did you bleach it?" I say still looking straight ahead.
Though I finally look at him still walking in the middle of the night outside.
I see him stop in his tracks like he's at a loss of words. Like he remembered something. Oh great, I must be hit a sensitive spot. Shit Y/n...
"Yeah I did.." he says looking to the ground
"Let me ask you something Y/n.
You a soc?.."  he says now with seriousness on his face.
"No, I'm not into that," I tell him. He looks surprised, more like a little shocked. Damn, do I look like I'm one of those socs?
"Y/n I'm just gonna tell you since I don't keep secrets. But I'm a greaser, not that white trash soc. So if you feel any indifferent about that, well I won't put up a fight-" he says looking to the side like he's a little ashamed.
"I don't think I could find myself judging you by a label Curtis," I reply now making eye contact with him. Even tonight, I don't care if he's a greaser or such.
For all I know, Ponyboy Curtis may be one of the finest boys in all of the 9th grade, just by looking at him now. His features and everything are now certainly glowing in my eyes. He sure is a pretty boy.
"Thanks, Y/n," he says.

We finally ready my house on Green Hill Avenue.
"See ya around Curtis," I say to him walking up the steps to my house.
He gives me a smile and nods.
I have a feeling that Curtis had been through a lot, or either I'm just a weirdo for assuming such.
I go into my house but look back to see Ponyboy running.
That boy probably has some curfew too, I chuckle under my breath.
Now I gotta explain to Veronica how I missed a party she wanted to go to tonight...

"THE Ponyboy Curtis tutors you now?" Veronica says to me while we're on the phone.
"What do you mean The?"
What is Veronica gonna go about now?
"You don't know? Him and his friend, uhh Johnny I think... Johnny Cade! They had a whole page about them on the daily newspaper."
Woah is Curtis famous? And why have I never her of this Johnny Cade guy... I think a lot to myself silently still on the phone with Veronica who's probably doing her nails.

"That was because they saved children in a burning church over somewhere else, though I think that Johnny Cade didn't survive helping those kids out and passed away..."
"Oh..." Playboy has been through a lot...
"I know they were super close so I feel pretty bad for Ponyboy Curtis."
That must've been hard on Ponyboy. He seemed fine when we were together. Like nothing ever happened.

"Y/N? You their gal?"
I notice I was out of thought and not saying a thing. Just thinking about Ponyboy.

"Oh sorry yeah, but Veronica when was this?"
"Like a year ago. So no wonder you don't know you moved this year."
"We will be having a project this week! I will have a basket with numbers and each one of you will pick a piece of paper, there will be two papers that are the same and you will go around the room to find out who got your number!"

Groans are heard all over the room. Woooo I have tutoring sessions and now this? I'll be dead by the time I get home.

"Miss what're the pieces of papers for?" A voice from some kid behinds me asks.
"Well, when you find the student who got ur same number, you are assigned to work with the partner on the science project!"
Louder groans are heard around the room.
That's even better, assigned partners. I turn to the corner of me and fave Veronica. I was wishing I could partner with her.

Everyone still makes a line in front of the classroom to go pick out a piece of paper in the basket on the teacher's desk.
"I hope I get a smart kid..." Veronica says in front of me in the line.
"I hope I get a nice one, I don't want what happened last time when I was with this stuck-up girl who made me do all the work.."
We both chuckle a bit.
I then find myself in the basket. I pick a piece of paper and walk out of the way and open the piece of paper.

I kinda feel lucky about this.

I go through the group of kids trying to find their partners by shouting numbers.

" I'm an 11"
"Who's got 19!"
"Who's 6?"
A voice I hear through the crowd of kids squabbling.
I follow the voice that keeps saying 6.
I make contact with familiar green eyes. Everything blurring in the background. I feel my eyes on his eyes, then I look more.
I find my steps to walk to him.
"6!" I say
His eyes are still on me.
I didn't know Pony was in my class.
God this feels like these cheesy reunions in those romance movies.
"Were partners," he tells me.
I feel pretty good about this.
I'm pretty happy I'm a partner with Curtis.

"Want to work and start on the project at my house Y/n?" he tells me, now in the setting where everyone has to sit with their partners at desks.
oh wow. How he says my name. With his raspy voice.
What the fuck Y/n..
You are not have goo goo ga ga eyes for your tutor, and now Science partner!

I feel a wave probably inches away from my face.

"Earth to Jones?"
"Oh sorry!" I say great I was out of thought again..
"I can't have my lab partner leaving me hanging."

I giggle a bit.
"And Yes, we can work at your house.."
Glad he invited me because I don't think my dad would allow me having boys over. He said he would shave my head if I started dating. Wants be dating when I'm 30. Pfft.

We give give a small smile to each other then just turn away now us not looking at each other.

I'm hope my face isn't obviously red...


I said I would go to my house first and meet him up right after. I tell him I'll meet him at his house at 5. Just so I could shower and pamper up a bit.

I jump and end up laying up on my bed, staring on the ceiling..
I should be getting ready now.
But I can't get the thought out of my head.

I going to Curtis's house...
I feel like I'm going crazy for some reason at this point.

I give our a relaxing sigh and strip to head into the shower

(hey guys, a surprise from me. HOPE YOU GUYS ARE ENJOYING THIS)

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