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There is nothing more amazing for Mina than to spend her lunch with her friends. She would always look forward to sitting with them as they all would listen to Momo gossip about anything she could found in the school. Momo never runs out of gossips to tell.

As Mina scan the room, she caught sight of Chaeyoung with her headphones on while swaying her head to the beat of music. The former shook her head at the other girl's calmness, took her seat and started reviewing.

In the middle of her review, a quick peck was placed on her cheek making his eyes shot up. Her gaze landed on Bambam.

"Hey baby, what's up?" Mina scrunch her nose in disgust.

"First of all, don't call me baby, I'm not your girlfriend. Second of all, please stay away from me, I can't concentrate with you in front of me." Mina said in a calm tone.

However, Bambam was not happy about it. He grab Mina's chin and tilted towards him until their eye level. "You will be mine. You know your parents approve of me. Just you wait, you'll eventually be mine."

"I won't let that happen. A brat is not my type. I would rather date a Nerd, than be with someone like you."

Bambam gritted his teeth, anger building in up him but one last look before releasing the girl's chin and walk away. Mina sighed in relief. Before she could go back to reviewing, the teacher walk in.

The teacher handed them the test paper and gave a speech about the exam, saying that it's a major contribution in their card if they ever pass. After that quick speech, the test began.

Mina stared as she scan the test paper. Oh how she hate math. It made her dizzy, with the letters on the numbers. But nevertheless, she had review all of their topics a couple times and was positive that she can least pass the subject. Although some were easy, Mina was yet again stuck on a complicated problem.

She look around the room and based on her classmates expressions, majority are stressed out. Just then her gaze fall on Chaeyoung. The girl has a calm expression on her face and after a minute, she stood up and gave her test paper to the teacher. She saw Mina staring at her. She gave a wink which made the girl flinch and went back to answering the test.

The class ended. Mina went to her bag and took her book. She was about to zip it, a voice from her back was heard causing her to zip her hand.

Mina groan in pain. "OW!"

"Shoot I'm sorry Minari!" Sana gave her an apologetic look.

"Just don't that again. Let's go?" Mina.

"Wait up!!" Mina bit her lip as the both turn, seeing Chaeyoung.

"What's the rush? We still have 10 minutes before the class starts." Chaeyoung.

"Nothing, I just want to arrive in class on time. You know I hate being tardy." Mina lied. The conversation was dropped when she began walking, leaving the two alone. A confused Chaeyoung turn towards Sana but the latter only shrugged. They quickly catch up with Mina.

As they arrive, Mina plopped down her seat buried her face on her palms. She did well, yes, but seeing Chaeyoung's calm expression made her nervous of being the second in class.

Her thoughts were cut off when she felt his cheek being poked. "Hey, are you sleeping?"

Mina groan. "No, just leave me alone."

"Guess the exam tired you out, huh? pshh, it wasn't that difficult you know. I mean the first part was so easy, since it was multiple choice. It was practically feeding you the answer. But when it comes to problem solving, that's when things turn serious. It was fine thou-"

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