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Mina flinch as she hear her alarm clock ring loudly by her side. She shut it off and and sat up, rubbing her eyes in the process. She slide the curtains and open the windows, seeing the sun is about to rise up. Sunrises always made Mina happy and positive. Whenever she watches the sun rise, it would bring tranquility in her and would serve as a reminder to be thankful for having another day to live in her life.

After doing her morning routines, she went downstairs to have breakfast. Upon arriving at the dining room, it was no surprise to see her parents already there with their work clothes on. The three exchange greetings as Mina gave both her parents a kiss on their cheek and greet her uncle. She was about to eat down when something, or rather, someone grab her ankle from under the table. She let out a small squeal but immediately stop when she heard an oh so familiar laughter.

She look down below and sighed in relief. "Oh Momo it was only you! God you scared me!"

A grey-hair girl with fine looks emerge from the table, laughing at her cousin's reaction. "You should've seen your face, couz! So epic!"

"Ha ha ha, really funny." Mina glared when her cousin still couldn't stop laughing. "Dad, can you make Momo stop? It's starting to piss me."

Mr. Myoi and Mr. Hirai couldn't help but chuckle. "Okay, sit down you two. The food is getting cold."

The girls obeyed the man and dig in to the mouth-watering food in front of them.

"So Momo, I heard that you're having troubles in your studies. Can you elaborate me on that?" Mr. Hirai was the first to break the silence.

Momo visibly gulped, knowing very well her father's tone is serious. "Uhm, well there are some subjects I'm struggling at. Two of them, in fact. I guess I was just...busy."

Her father nodded, rather slowly as he was not convinced. "You're not busy partying with your friends, are you? Cause if you do, you and I are going to have a big discussion. So I suggest you spend less time on parties and more time on studies. Am I making myself clear?"

Momo nodded feeling ashamed. "Yes, dad."

By now, the tension in the room are rising, as silence filled them. The two girls know how strict their parents could be and they expect high expectations from them. But the two understands why they're like that. Like every parent, their parents just want the best for their kids.

To break the unnerving silence, Mrs. Myoi cleared her throat and spoke. "In that case, I'm sure everytime will turn out just fine. Plus, Mina is always there to watch out for Momo. I mean, that's how cousins are for, right? So I'm sure we can count on Mina, right dear?"

"Of course, mom"." Mina smiled and continue munching on her meal. After some time, realizing they have their own meeting to deal with, the parents gave their kids a kiss on their head before they head out.

After eating, Mina practically drag her cousin to the grocery store since their maids are on a day off. The fridge was almost empty, so to save them from starvation, Mina has to do something. Momo, on the other hand, was planning to hang out with the other girls but was crushed when she has to spend her morning with her cousin.

So for the next two hours, the two took their time picking supplies of foods. Mina and her cousin were taught all there is to know about cookies in a very young age. Sometimes, they would watch their maid cook whenever they like it or would even teach them a thing or to how cook properly.

After that, they ate their lunch and went to the movies. Mina let her cousin pick any movie she wants and surprisingly, Momo settled in comedy. It was a two-hour movie but it was worth it since the two had a good laugh. When the movie ended, the two decided to head home.

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