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Mina's phone began to ring. She stood up and went to the dining area upon knowing that it's her father before answering it.

"Hey dad, how's vacation?" Mina answered enthusiastically. She hadn't spoken to either her mother or her father since the day they flew to another country.

"Mina what is this that Bambam is telling me about you and Chaeyoung still in a relationship?! I told you to end that silly game of yours!" Her father yelled, making Mina pull back the phone before she goes deaf.

She rolled her eyes and tried to dismiss the fact that her father didn't call just to check up on them but rather to scold her. "Bambam's true on what he said, dad. And I've told you, I'm not ending a relationship with the person I love."

Mina's father groaned, his voice getting louder. "Mina, do not test my patience! Do not mess with me, you ungrateful-" Mr. Myoi stops before he says something he'll regret and took a deep breath, calming himself. "You know what, we'll deal with this situation when your mother and I get back. For now, there's far more important issues that we need to address."

"First, I need you to sell all of the remaining boxes of our strawberries to any store you could find and use the money you've earned to pay the workers we have at that mechanic shop we own. God knows, how unsuccessful it is these past couple of months. Also, two of our business partners have betrayed us when they went and stole half of our money and divide it among themselves. I want you to track them down and take revenge. I don't care how you do it, just make sure they suffer."

Mina huffed. "Can you pick someone else to do all of this? I was the one who paid your debt with my own money and hired more workers for our strawberry factory. I deserve to take a break from doing almost all of your side work."

"I don't want to pick someone else. I choose you so that you'll have enough preparation when you took over our business. I want you to be used in doing numerous works like I did. So stop complaining. Do all the tasks I've said as soon as possible. And get it done." After that, Mr. Myoi hang up.

Mina gritted her teeth before sighing, calming herself. There's no point on being angry. She has to comply to her father's demand or she'll be causing more problems than she already is.

Noticing that she haven't have any better things to do, she decided to do her father's tasks, and hopefully could finish it all today. Mina went upstairs and change into more appropriate clothes.

Meanwhile, Chaeyoung, who had been sprawled on the couch, sat up and took off her headphones, observing the rich girl's quick movements as if in a hurry.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"Business matters." Came the vague response of Mina.

Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows and stood up. "Can I come?"

"No." Mina said as she gather her phone, keys, and wallet before putting it on her purse.

"Oh come on, I'm getting bored in here! I promise, I won't bother you. And plus, I could help you in whatever it is you're going to do. Just please, take me with you!" Chaeyoung whined.

Mina sighed and look at the short girl, who has a hopeful look on her face. "Fine, go change your clothes quickly. We're leaving in 5 minutes."

Chaeyoung smiled in victory before she went to her closet to pick her clothes. Mina didn't wait for her and went downstairs. She inform her friends that she and Chaeyoung would be gone for the whole afternoon and decline Momo's offer for them to at least stay and have some lunch.

"We'll eat on the way. My father's tasks is kinda a lot and I'm hoping that I could finish it in one day." Mina reasoned out.

Few minutes later, Chaeyoung went down and the two headed out. They headed to the strawberry greenhouses to pick up remaining boxes of the fruit as per Mina's father said. Seeing two of the workers pouring strawberries from baskets onto a box, Mina approach them.

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