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Shifting to a more comfortable feeling, Mina's elbow hit the pillow, hoisting herself up with her eyes focusing on the book she's reading. Reading the last paragraph of the last page of the book, she smiled upon knowing that the story had a happy ending. She closed the book with a sigh and stand up, heading downstairs.

"Hey Mina, want some?" Dahyun asked, while spreading peanut butter onto a bread.

She chuckled lightly. "That's what I'm here for, actually. So yeah, and can you please make it two?"

"Dahyun-ah, can you also make us some popcorn? Specifically with caramel?!" Momo called out from the living room.

"And also make some orange juice!" Sana added.

"I thought you guys wanted sandwiches?" Dahyun questioned.

"We do." Sana said.

"Then what's with the popcorn and the juice?" Dahyun said.

"We also want them." Sana answered.

"Oh sure! It's not like I needed help here and that I'm perfectly capable of doing all these things by myself." Dahyun sarcastically said.

"That's my girl!" Tzuyu yelled.

Dahyun groaned. "You girls suck."

Momo chuckled. "We love you too Tofu!"

Mina smiled at their interaction. "I see you guys are getting along with each other."

"Eh, they're not that bad." Dahyun shrugged. Mina smiled, knowing that she enjoys the company of Mina's friends even though she didn't admit it.

"Where are the others?" Mina asked, deciding to help Dahyun in fixing their snacks. She put the orange mixture onto a pitcher and stirred, before putting ice.

Dahyun sighed. "In the gaming room."

Mina's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "They're still there?" In answer, she heard distant shouts like 'Take that!' and 'That's what you get, bitch!', accompanied by cheers.

"Wow, they sure are getting addictive." Dahyun said to which Mina nodded. It was true, considering that the guys had spent the whole day in the gaming room yesterday.

By the time, the popcorn was ready, Mina had finished her sandwich and offered to bring the juice and the popcorn while Dahyun handle with the sandwiches and the chips. The two placed the snacks on the table to which the three thanked them.

Mina left them and went upstairs. But instead of going in the direction of her room, she went to a room across from it and stepped inside.

The room was the usual color of grey with borders of white. Paintings hang from every wall. Two long tables situated on the left while a couch and two bean bags are on the right. Across from her are two large circular windows overlooking the grasslands of the town. But the most that capture Mina's eyes were the bookshelves. The room is filled with lots of it, and Mina couldn't help but sigh at her safe haven.

Just then, she heard the door squeaking in open then being closed noisily.

Mina watch the person stare with complete awe and amazement until it fell on her.

"Wow! This room is bigger than my house!" Chaeyoung said.

Chaeyoung gave the black-haired girl a questioning look but Mina shrugged and went back to her reading. The latter knew that the short girl went to roam around the wide room. She sighed in relief, thankful that she wouldn't be dealing with her just yet.

But it didn't last long much to Mina's dismay when Chaeyoung sat on the table just beside her.

"You do know the purpose of these chairs right?" Mina said, her eyes fixated on the book she's still reading.

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