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Few days have passed, and Mina was getting anxious and bored. Ever since the incident at the restaurant, Chaeyoung had stop pestering her. She has stop passing by the library early in the morning, or come annoy her during recess and lunch. It's as if she's ignoring Mina's existence.

It made sense because today, Chaeyoung hadn't been even glance her way and was always surrounded by her circle of friends, especially to that Jay guy. For the past days that she was being ignored, everytime she see Chaeyoung, Jay was always by her side.

Like when did they became close? It has only been a week since that Jay transfered our school. Then suddenly they seem so close. I didn't even know that Chaeyoung has other friends except for Jeongyeon, Dahyun, and Tzuyu. Wait, are they dating? But that's impossible! Chaeyoung hadn't express some sort of affection towards him. Maybe, he's courting her?! Argh! Why the hell do I care!?

"Mina? Hey!" Nayeon snapped her finger in front of the spaced out girl.

"Huh? Y..yeah why?" Mina flinch and look at her friends who was staring at her for the past two minutes in confusion.

"Are you alright?" Sana.

"You've been spacing out for a while now." Momo.

"Yeah, I uh...uh..I was just thinking..." Mina glance at her half-eaten burger on her hand. "About the history project, that's all." Was the lie that came out from her mouth.

Thankfully, no one noticed it and somehow believed her lie.

"Well, if it weren't for what you did back at the restaurant, you two would've been working on the project. Now, you just made it worse with her." Jihyo said without looking at her friend.

"Look I told you, I didn't meant to go that far. I was just messing around and I thought that wouldn't result to that." Mina defended.

"But not in the way that would involve her job! For God sake Mina, the girl lost a job because of you! You know, at the beginning, I didn't care about your revengeful acts towards her, but this...this I can't tolerate anymore. Talk to me when your knocking some sense in you." Momo stood up and walked away. Mina sighed and stared at her food.

She and Momo were really close ever since they were little, and through that years, Mina knows everything about her cousin, from her strengths all the way to her weaknesses. One of which is, Momo hate it when people argue and would later on lead to fights and taking revenge. It was true that Momo didn't interfere with their constant banters and small fights with Chaeyoung, and she was thankful for that, even though deep inside she knows that her cousin weren't exactly supportive of her motives. But she didn't know that it would affect Momo this much.

"Mina..." She glance at her right, when Sana gave a reassuring pat on her shoulder. "She'll come around. Just give her time."

They resumed eating in silence, and before they know, the bell rang signalling the end of lunch. When the group said their goodbyes, realization hit Mina.

Oh no. History is my next class. Great! Could this day get any worse?

Mina gave a deep sigh before she enter the classroom. She immediately gulped when she saw that all eyes are focused on her, with some of her classmates whispering while others glare at her. As she made her way to her seat, she caught sight of Chaeyoung and their eyes met for a second, before the latter turned her gaze to the ground. Mina saw that she was surrounded by 4 girls, Momo being one, who also gave a slight glare at her before turning away.

Mina sighed and took out her notebook when their professor walked in, pushing aside the disturbance on her mind from earlier's happenings.

The professor continued discussing about last week's lecture and as Mina tried to listen to the words he's saying, she just wasn't in the mood, and absentmindedly began to doodle on her notebook.

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