Chapter 11

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An intense throbbing is all I felt when I woke up. It felt like a phantom hammer was slamming down on my ankles again and again. I groaned, unable to muster much more.

My shackles were gone and I carefully sat up, trying not to aggravate the broken bones anymore. My mind was muddled with dozens of thoughts. I felt betrayed, like Pitch had hurt me on purpose. But he wouldn't have done that. He loved me, right?

I shook my head, trying to clear my conflicting thoughts. They were giving me a headache, and the last thing I needed was more pain.

When I saw the state my ankles were in, I covered my mouth in shock. The skin was already a deep purple, almost black, and my foot was turned at an awkward angle. Pitch's black sand was littered around on the ground, and I wondered why.

The tears were back and I didn't dare try to move my legs, scared of the pain I'd feel if I did. I was completely at the mercy of Pitch now, and it was absolutely terrifying. Instead of the painful expansiveness I felt with the little girl, I felt a biting emptiness. It was like my chest was a black hole, taking away my emotions bit by bit until there was nothing left.

"Oh, Jack, darling - you're awake." Pitch's melodic voice sang from the edge of the chamber.

He walked over to me briskly, a case of something in his hand. He surveyed the damage to my ankles with a slight smile, "That really did the trick, didn't it? I put some of my nightmare sand in there to keep it from healing, so don't be alarmed."

He walked closer, resting our foreheads together and stroking my hair, "I promise I'll fix it when I can trust you again. Relationships require sacrifice, and this is yours. This is the answer to all our problems. I love you so much, Jack. You know that, right?"

I looked up at him and nodded. I felt like if I opened my mouth, the only thing that would come out would be a scream.

He was right, it wasn't like he was doing this for personal enjoyment. We were partners, equals. This was the only way.

Pitch pulled away to rustle around with the case he brought in. He came back with a syringe full of bright pink liquid. "I know you're in a lot of pain right now, darling. This can help take it away, okay?"

I looked at him and nodded readily. I didn't care what it was, as long as it made me feel better. Anything was better than this.

He gently tilted my head to the side and injected the drug into my neck. A pleasure almost immediately washed over me, dulling all of my other senses.

It felt like my skin was made of carbonated water, the bubbles tickling as they rose to the surface. The dark colors of the room started to swirl together and make brighter ones. Even Pitch's voice came out as a distorted wail. I giggled, looking around at all of the bubbles that surrounded me.

My mind briefly flashed to the guardians and I wondered what they'd be doing now. I don't know why I felt such a pull to them. I shook my head, ashamed that all I could think about was them when Pitch was right here in front of me.

The distorted colors hid whatever he was doing, but I didn't mind. I spent the time idly popping the bubbles that littered the air, giggling when they made an extra loud pop.

Pitch appeared back in my view and I couldn't really tell what he was doing. He was sweaty and rocking back and forth, clawing at my hoodie. I stared at him in confusion, trying to work out the strange behavior.

Suddenly, I felt a pressure tearing at my abdomen and everything made sense. My smile dropped off my face, as the emptiness rushed back to fill in my chest. I turned my head, wanting to look at anyone but him.

I didn't understand why my mood changed so suddenly. I was supposed to like this, right? This was what couples did. So why did I feel like Pitch was taking away bits and pieces of my soul each time he did this? 

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