Chapter 22

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My tears blurred my vision for a few moments as I tried to see what had happened. The room was eerily silent and my mind raced through a million possibilities. The little girl was gone. I blinked a few times before I saw what was really going on.

In front of me, Tooth stood in front of Pitch, her hand fixed on the icicle spear that I had made. It was plunged deep into Pitch's chest, and his widened eyes stared into nothingness. His body was slack, and his blood was everywhere.

Tooth was breathing heavily, a wild look in her eyes. Tears marred her feathers and she let go of the spear quickly. She collapsed onto the ground, sobbing.

I couldn't think.

He was dead.

He was really gone.

He'd never be able to torture me again.

A tightness in my chest loosened slightly. It was jarring and quick, but it felt good. Like my breath was finally returning after so long. Maybe I wasn't past help. Maybe I could still have redemption. Maybe I would be okay without him. 

I opened my eyes to see his corpse vaporizing, falling into tiny pieces that would be carried by the wind until the moon picked a new Boogeyman.

Tooth squirmed her way out of North's grasp, running toward me. She knelt down in front of me, tears rolling down both of our faces. She didn't touch me this time.

Her eyes drilled into mine and it felt like she could see right into my soul. I found sympathy, pain, hope, relief and countless other emotions swimming in her eyes. But most of all, I saw the future. I saw our future in her eyes. It would be a long and hard road, but there was a future. I had a chance here. More than I ever had before.

"You're safe now, Jack." She whispered.

The words finally broke my tenuous dam and the tears ripped out of me, sobs echoing through the room. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug. I stiffened, expecting the crawling sensation, but it never came.

That only caused me to break down even more. I buried my head in her shoulder, letting it all out.

Maybe ...

It was an uncertain word, but it was a chance. It was more of a chance than I'd ever had before in my life. I hung onto the word desperately. I lived for 'maybe'. 


I'm trying to decide whether this is the end of our story or not. Let me know what you guys think! Thank you for reading!

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