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"Why do we even have school?" I asked my best friend April as we walked down the side walk towards our school.

She shrugged as she hastily tried to pull her strawberry blonde hair back into a messy bun. "I don't know, Shelby. Maybe so that you can learn stuff to get into college and get a good job and get a good husband and have a good family."

I laughed. "April, we're fourteen. I don't think we're going to get married any time soon," I said pulling my aviator jacket closer around me as a breeze blew past.

She sighed dreamily. "But still my wedding day will be magical."

"I bet it will be."

She laughed. "You don't care do you?"

I shrugged. "I do, but I don't think I'll live long enough to see my wedding day."

She frowned. "Why?"

I laughed. "Because my dad will kill me the moment he finds out that I have a boyfriend. But lucky for him, this girl is a single Pringle."

Her blue eyes lit up. "Same here girl!" April said giving me a high five. She looked at me. "Hey, did you do that English paper for Mr. Marco's class."

I shook my head. "No. I sat myself down in front of the computer, I pulled up a word document, I placed my fingers on the keyboard, and then I decided that I needed a snack."

She laughed. "You can't sit still for five seconds can you?"

I shrugged. "Nope. I always have to do something other than the task at hand."

"Have you ever thought about tying yourself to a chair?"

"Haha," I said sarcastically as we climbed the steps to the high school that we were attending our freshman year in.

"What? I'm just trying to give suggestions." She smiled at me. "See you in homeroom." She waved at me before bounding down the hall toward her locker.

"Bye..." I smiled at her retreating form before walking down the hall in the opposite direction. I glanced at the people and couples around me completely aware of my surroundings. It was the normal atmosphere of my school, but something felt off. I kept checking over my shoulder feeling like I was being watched, but that couldn't be the case. I shrugged off the feeling but pulled my aviator jacket closer inhaling its familiar scent of cinnamon and vanilla like it would somehow protect me. I reached my locker and spun the dial entering the combination. The metal door swung open and a slip of paper fluttered down to the ground. I bent down and picked it up. As I stood up and reached into my locker for my books I unfolded the note. A single word was written in the middle and I sighed. Who ever wrote this had the world's worst handwriting. I frowned on concentration as I tried to read the loopy and sprawled out words. Finally I managed to make sense of it. "Bron? What the heck is 'bron'?"

"Actually," said a voice from beside me, "it says 'prom', as in, will you go to prom with me?"

I looked over to see Reed Myrth leaning against the locker beside mine smirking with his chocolate brown hair swept to the side and his hazel eyes looking right at me. He was six foot two of brawn without brain and captain of the football team. I looked around to make sure that there was no other girl he was talking to. "Me?"

He nodded as he leaned against the locker beside mine with his hands in his letterman jacket. "Yeah."

I reached into my locker for my notebook. "But I'm only a Freshman."

He shrugged. "So? Freshmen can come so long as they're invited. And I'm inviting you. So what do you say babe? Will you be my date to this year's prom?"

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