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"She's not going."

"She has to! She's the only child of Nyx we know of. Darkness and death will unite, remember?"

"She just got back! I'm not going to let her risk her life on this quest."

"That's not your choice now is it?"

This was maddening. I was sitting around a ping pong table with crackers and spray cheese untouched in front of me and Nico and a girl from the Ares cabin arguing relentlessly.

Nico crossed his arms. "I refuse to let her go. She doesn't remember how to fight, use her powers, anything."

"Then we'll teach her!" the girl yelled.

"It's too risky," Percy argued. "Even if we could jog her memory or teach her everything in a short amount of time, there's still one line that is frightening. But the child of Night will perish on a protected sight." He shivered. "She's like my little sister and I don't really think that that line can be interpreted as anything else but she's going to die."

"We don't know that," someone from the Nemesis cabin said. "Prophecies are always twisted and everything always ends up being fair."

"It won't be fair if my girlfriend dies!" Nico yelled at him angrily making the potted plant by the door wilt.

I flinched. Why the Hades did I have to be here? Oh right. Because I'm the "Counselor of the Nyx Cabin."

Silence fell over the room.

Then, a really stupid Hecate kid spoke up saying, "She doesn't even remember you."

Nico lunged at the kid.

Percy grabbed him by the arm and forced him back into his chair as the demigods around the table reached for the weapons they didn't have because they were forced to leave them outside.

"Calm down! Just calm down!" Jason commanded making the room still.

Oh why did Chiron leave the meeting to us to handle on our own?

Everyone's gaze switched from the enraged Nico to the calm Jason.

He stared at us through his gold framed glasses. "I agree with Nico that the quest is way too dangerous for Shelby to handle, especially in her current condition." He paused. "But, I also agree with everyone else. We have been issued a prophecy by your oracle and that cannot be ignored. But it wouldn't be right to force her to do anything without her consent. So, Shelby," he started making all eyes turn to me, "will you take up the quest?"

I felt really, really small and pressured. Was I expected to make the choice now? "Um..."

Everybody stared at me.

I looked at Nico who was staring at me with pleading eyes. "I-I will."

Everybody, save for Nico, was smiling.

"Very good, Shelby!" the Nemesis kid yelled enthusiastically.

There were several nods.

What the fudge did I get myself into?

Nico looked at me with a touch of anger in his eyes and stormed out of the room.

I quickly got up and followed him out. I had to run to catch up with him as he walked down the hill. "Nico!"

He ignored me.

"Nico!" I yelled as I ran down and grabbed his hand. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" He asked through gritted teeth. "What's wrong? You took up that quest! You took that stupid quest! You don't know anything anymore! You don't know how to fight, you don't know how to use your powers, you don't even know me anymore!" he yelled angrily. "If you leave now, you'll die!"

I watched him as he continued on with his rant. His brown eyes blazed with a mixture of concern and sadness and his lips were pulled thin with worry. His hair was flying in the wind in a way that was so familiar. "Nico..."

He looked at me as tears threatened to pour out of his eyes. He pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "I don't want you to die," he whispered as his tears landed on my hair.

I was quick to wrap my arms around him, almost like an involuntary instinct or something I was so used to doing. I squeezed my eyes shut and listened to his rapid heart beat that had a calming effect on me. "Nico. I'll be fine."

"How do I know that? How do I know that you'll come back from this quest alive? I lost you six months ago and I can't loose you again. I refuse to."

"You won't loose me because I want you to come with me. It's three to a quest right? I want you to be one of the people coming with me."

He looked down at me with uncertain eyes. "But-"

"No buts. You're the only one in this god damn place that makes me feel like I actually have been in this camp. You're the one that's most familiar to me. You make me feel safe and secure when I'm around you, and I don't want to stop feeling that way." I bit my lip and clenched my fists. "I want to know who I was because it's driving me crazy. Everyone here seems to know me but I don't know them. But you, you feel like an old friend I had forgotten. Without you, I'm falling into an abyss."

He took my hand and squeezed it. "Then I won't let you go. But before you go out on this quest, you need to learn how to fight."

"Then teach me."

A smile tugged at his lips. "Alright then, but you can't expect me to go easy on you."



Nico sighed as I crashed into the ground for the millionth time. "No no no. Shelby, your stance is all wrong."

I panted heavily. "Well I'm sorry. I don't know how to fight anymore."

"Obviously," he mumbled as he helped me up. "One more time."

I groaned and picked my black sword up again. "Fine, but then, we rest."

"Fine by me," and he lunged.

I sidestepped smacking him with the side of my blade.

He whipped around bringing his sword at me in a deadly arc.

I raised my sword just in time to block the blow. The force of the attack tingled through my entire body making me shiver. I swung my leg out hitting the back of his knee.

He crumbled to the ground but rolled over and sprung back up to his feet. His eyes narrowed at me and he charged. Just as our blades were about to connect, he disappeared, melting into the ground in a pool of shadows.

The puddle of darkness quickly veered around me until it was right behind me and Nico quickly began to form again.

Without thinking, like normal, I quickly turned around so I was facing the darkness and thrust my hand out stopping the formation.

"Hey!" Nico's voice called out from the mass of shadows. "That's not fair!"

I stared at the writing shadows in shock as I lowered my hand.

Nico tumbled out making the darkness dissipate. He coughed. "What was that?"

I blinked in utter shock and surprise. "I-I don't know. I'm sorry."

A grin broke out onto his face. "Sorry? Don't be."


"Because once again, you learned how to fight and control your powers, and now, we're one step closer on getting you back."

Welp there we go! I hope everybody had an awesome thanksgiving and a fun time with family. Hope you guys got awesome deals on Black Friday and all that jazz.

So quickly, I want to thank somebody for being really loyal to the story and reminding me it's here before I forget about it and it just floats in the abyss that is my imagination. So thank you infinte_rain  for being really awesome and enthusiastic about my book. People like you are the ones that make me want to keep writing.

So I really hope that you guys liked this part and if you did, just a click that little star button that sends a vote and feel free to leave a comment stating your opinion and I'll see you guys again in the next chapter. Bye Possibilities!

I Don't Remember You (Nico di Angelo Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now