Lotus Hotel and Casino

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An absence of heat woke me up the next morning. My eyes fluttered open and I looked over to see no Nico. A not was on the pillow next to me.

"Went down for breakfast. See you down there.

I groggily climbed out of bed and left the room. I made my way downstairs where the smell of eggs, bacon, and cinnamon waffles and cinnamon rolls was over powering.

Laughter rang from the kitchen.

"Let's see, a sun for the little god and a smiley face for the pouting boy," Mr. Greene's voice rang.

"Hey!" Nico called in mock anger.

I entered the kitchen to see Nico and Chase sitting at the table in front of a mound of food and Mr. Greene standing at the stove cooking pancakes.

"Morning!" I called sitting next to Nico.

"Ah! Shelby. Good morning," Mr. Greene said with a smile. "The waffles are already done if you want some."

"Please," I said grabbing the food.

Chase looked at me over his own personal mountain of food. "I felt the power of Chaos last night. We need to hurry and get a move on."

Mr. Greene put the last of the food on the table. "I've bought you guys three bus tickets to Vegas. I have a couple satyr friends there that will help you get to Los Angeles."

I smiled. "Thanks Mr. Greene!"

He nodded and joined us at the table.

Nico scarfed down his smiling pancaked and bacon. "More please?" he begged holding up his plate hungrily.

We all laughed and Mr. Greene passed Nico the food.

Two hours later we were standing on the front porch all packed up.

Mr. Greene placed a hand on my shoulder. "Be careful, Shelby. Chaos is sneaky. When you get down to the underworld, he will do anything to turn you to his side, and if he can't turn you, he'll kill you. You have to be strong. Don't let him waver your spirit."

I smiled. "I won't."

He nodded. "Do you guys want me to drive you to the bus station?"

"No, we'll be good," Nico said with a smile.

I nodded. "Yeah. Thanks though!" I shouldered my pack and started down the driveway. "Come on boys!"

Chase groaned. "But he has good food here!"

I snapped my fingers and a shadow pushed Chase forward.

"Alright alright!" he grumbled as he followed.

Nico fell in step with me and his hand gravitated toward mine.

I glanced down and gripped his with a smile. "Thanks for staying with me last night."

He nodded and looked ahead. "You know, Colorado isn't such a bad place. You have beautiful mountains, friendly people."

"Maybe after all of this is over, we can come back for a vacation. I'm sure Mr. Greene wouldn't mind us staying with him."


We walked the three miles to the bus station and stopped at the counter to check in.

Nico took our tickets up to the counter while I waited with Chase.

He sighed. "I can just feel power with every step we take. He's strong." Chase didn't say that with disappointment. It was almost like he was happy or satisfied. For a split second his voice deepened and his eyes turned a different color.

I Don't Remember You (Nico di Angelo Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now