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"I'm so, so sorry, Nico," I said burying my face in my knees. "I'm such an idiot."

"Hey, don't say that." He wrapped his arms around me and held me in his soothing embrace.

"It's true. If I hadn't fallen to Chase's power he wouldn't be in the mortal world doing who knows what and we wouldn't be trapped here," I said referring to the cave that had once served as his prison.

He held me tighter. His expression was hidden in the darkness. "Shelby it's not your fault. It's mine." He fell silent for a few moments. "I knew there was something off about Chase since the day he saved us in Ohio. I set aside my better judgement and let him join despite how much he unnerved me. I should have protested but I didn't. So if you're going to blame anyone, blame me." He slowly let me go and looked me in the eye. "But don't go beating yourself up over this. We are going to find a way out of this and when we do, we're going to march up to Chaos and kick him in the arse."

I smiled.

He looked around the prison. "Now to find a way out."

I stood up and walked around the cave. "Nyx wouldn't have put any obvious exits if she put any at all. She wouldn't want to risk Chaos discovering them."

Nico started searching the walls. "He obviously didn't if he needed you to free him."

I ran my fingers against the rough stone and scanned the walls with my eyes. One section of the wall looked smoother than anywhere else in the cave. I walked over to the spot and blew away some dust. A crescent moon with a star sitting on its tip was engraved into the wall. "Or maybe he did, he just couldn't get out..." I ran my fingers over the symbol and the star shone brightly.

The light illuminated the entire cave and the wall behind it crumbled revealing a dark staircase.

I beamed. "Bingo!"

Nico looked at me. "Woah."

"Come on! Let's go!" I yelled grabbing his hand. I pulled him with me up the stairs using my sword for a source of ghostly purple light.

Nico jogged to keep up with me. "Where do you think this'll spit us out at?" he called.

"I'm not sure, but I hope it'll spit us out somewhere near camp. I have a feeling that's where Chaos will strike first." I looked up as a light flooded the tunnel at the end. "There's the exit! Let's go!"

"Shelby! Wait!" Nico called pulling on my hand to stop me.

I turned around to face him.

His face was pleading and his eyes were filled with a sadness. He took a few more steps to reach my eye level.

"Nico?" I asked quietly.

He looked at me and took my hands. "I know that you still probably don't remember me, but just in case one of us," his voice cracked, "doesn't make it, I want you to remember me by one thing." He took a shaky breath. "I want you to remember me as they boy who loves you, and always has." He slowly leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.

My chest erupted with butterflies and I melt into his arms. I soon found myself kissing back as I brought my arms around him hugging him.

He held me tightly as his eyes closed.

I followed suit as I breathed him in deeply. The smell of cinnamon and vanilla flooded my nose and I smiled in the kiss. This felt so natural and it warmed my heart.

Finally Nico pulled away and he looked down at me. "I love you, Shelby."

I smiled up at him and nodded. My voice wouldn't work so the best I could do was kiss him on the cheek and hug him tightly. When my voice finally did work, I said, "I can't believe I forgot about that."

I Don't Remember You (Nico di Angelo Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now