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My dreams, or should I say nightmares, replayed April trying to kill me. It was like it was on an endless and repeating loop. My dream self would leave the cafeteria and follow her to the auditorium while my subconscious was yelling at me not to. She'd lead me in and then bare her fangs and try to kill my and just as her teeth are about to sink into my neck, the dream fades and starts all over again. On about the fiftieth repeat, something changed. This time Nico followed us closely to the auditorium with worry in his eyes.

April bared her fangs again but was cut short. Literally.

The tip of a black blade stuck out through her stomach and she let out an ear piercing scream before exploding into yellow dust.

I fell to my knees in the darkness and burst out sobbing. I didn't understand one bit of this even though I knew it had just happened.

Strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a firm chest.

I looked up to see Nico looking down at me.

"Shhh," he said quietly as he held me close. "I know this doesn't make any sense, but I won't give up until you remember me..."


I moaned wearily as my eyes fluttered open. I frowned as I saw Leo from school look down at me.

"Oh my gods! Guys she's awake!"

I heard the quick shuffling of feet before the rest of the shadows, excluding Nico, and a new blonde boy surround me.

Annabeth's eyes began to water and she crushed me in a hug. "Oh my gods Shelby. I'm so glad you're safe."

Percy smiled down at me. "It's good to see that you're alive and well."

The new blonde boy grinned at them. "Ok, you guys can gush over her later, but let the doctor do his work." He walked over to a near by table and began selecting all these medical tools that I had absolutely no clue what they were.

I sat up frowning. "Where am I?" I looked at the blonde guy. "Who are you?"

The blonde guy smiled. "They told me you had amnesia, but I didn't think you'd forget the guy who set you up with your boyfriend. Nevertheless,  the name's Will Solace, son of Apollo and the chief medic here at Camp Half-Blood."

I frowned. "Camp what now?"

"Half-Blood," Jason said smiling. "It's been your home for the past six years."

Will walked towards me with a glass of what looked like apple juice. "Here, drink this up."

I hesitantly took it and looked at the others. "My home? That can't be possible. I live with my parents in Longmont." I took a sip of the drink and was pleasantly surprised. It tasted exactly like my favorite chocolate milkshake.

Hazel laughed nervously. "Well, you see, that's not entirely true."

-time skip cause you already know what happened-

I sat there with my jaw slightly ajar. "So let me get this straight. My life is a lie. I'm the only demigod daughter of Nyx who is practically the embodiment of night time/everything dark. I've been living at Camp Half-Blood for the past six years ever since I was attacked by a hellhound on my way home from school in the third grade. It was here where I met all of you and my boy," I hesitated, "boyfriend Nico. Then, six months ago I disappeared. My memories of camp and my life as a demigod were taken from me and replaced with those of a normal life. Then all of you guys were sent out on a quest to bring me back."

Leo shrugged. "That sounds about right."

I frowned. "So how do I know that all this is real?"

"You were attacked by a monster," Frank pointed out bluntly. "Is that enough proof?"

The corners of my mouth twitched up in a small smile. "Fair enough."

"So you believe us?" Piper asked softly.

"For the time being, yes. But I still don't remember any of you."

"That much we figured." Percy sighed.

"But we're gonna try our hardest to help you remember," Will chirped as he  scribbled stuff on his clip board

I smiled. "Thank you."

Leo frowned. "Hey, where's Ni-"

"Shelby!" someone shouted as the doors to the infirmary slammed open.

My head snapped to the side and a black clad boy charged into the room.

Nico looked awful. He had bags under his eyes and his dark hair was a matted mess. His clothes were all sorts of crooked and disheveled and he looked paler than the first time I saw him. Despite his thin frame and exhausted appearance, however, he was still able to crush the living daylights out of me.

"Thank the gods you're alright!" he cried as he buried his face in my shoulder. "After the first week of you being out, I started panicking and-"

"Woah!" I said cutting him off. "A week?!"

Nico nodded. "Yeah. You've been asleep for two weeks."


Short and absolutely cruddy chapter and I'm sorry. Yeah, I just wasn't feeling too inspired and the thing with my dad kinda sucked the life outta me for a while. But I'm better now so I'm gonna try to update regularly. Hopefully.... I can't give you an exact date for when I'll update. Thank you for your patience.

QOTD: Do you watch anime or read manga and if you do which ones?

Like always I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please vote and comment.
Til next time my little Possibilities.

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