What Now

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Two weeks after the final showdown, the camp had started to rebuild itself. We buried and honored our dead, and began the reconstruction of the buildings that were damaged. Nico and I conjured shadow and skeletal builders to help speed the process up. Will and the other medics worked day and night to aid the campers injured in the war. I dropped by to help whenever I could, but it was hard to find time.

Death takes a lot out of a person. I was always tired and I found that my body temperature had fallen quiet significantly. Will was running daily tests on me to make sure I was alive. In a way I was, but I had quiet a few qualities of a corpse despite having a pulse. My skin tone had also paled so much I rivaled Nico's.

He said it was harder to look at me now. Because I was marked by death, I had a certain aura around me, he said. But i was okay with that. I was alive, and thats all that mattered to me.

Nightmares plagued me almost every night. I'd often wake up screaming for help, crying for someone to come and save me. When I told Nico about them, he insisted that he come and stay with me every so often so that way I wouldn't wake up alone and scared. I was thankful for him.

My memories returned in a flood. whenever I had a spare moment, I'd repeat them in my head in a loop in hopes of searing them so deeply into my brain that I'd never forget about them.

One day, during a break from building, I stood leaning against a pole on the docks as I watched the waves lap at the wood. The mark on my arm still burned slightly, but considering it was practically branded, I wasn't surprised. I brushed my fingers over the mark with a slight wince.

"Hey," a voice said from behind me.

I turned around and smiled at Nico. "Hey."

"Mind if I join you?" He asked taking a couple steps onto the dock.

I shook my head. "By all means, go ahead."

He walked forward and sat down on the dock pulling off his shoes and socks. He dipped his feet into the water. "So, how much do you remember?"

I sat down next to him and began to follow his example. "Everything. I remember how we met and first started hanging out. I remember being claimed and hanging out in your cabin while mine was being built. I remember training together and how awkward you began to act around me. I remember our first date, our first kiss, and that you're really ticklish when it comes to your neck." My fingers found their way to the side of his neck.

"Hey!" He swatted my hand away.

I laughed lightly. "I remember the night before I disappeared. You had walked me back to my cabin after a late night swim. I was shivering like crazy and you held me close keeping me warm despite how cold you were too. You kissed my forehead goodnight and stayed outside until I was safely in the warmth." I smiled fondly.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and squeezed them gently. "I remember."

I leaned into him resting my head on his shoulder. "What are we going to do now?"

"I don't know, Shelby. I really don't. But what I do know, is that I'm not going to let this happen to you. I'm not going to let you go again. I'll trade my spirit for yours if I had to."

"Nico, no."

"Nico yes." He looked into my eyes with his chocolate brown ones. "I won't loose you again. We're going to get through this and I won't let you go so easily. Even if the gods snatch you up again and wipe your memory once more, I will find you."

I smiled softly. "Don't worry Neeks, I will never forget you."

He kissed my forehead as the sun dipped below the waves.

I Don't Remember You (Nico di Angelo Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now